4 Funny Magic Tricks For Children

All children love magic. So today we’re going to explain four simple magic tricks you can use to surprise your children at home!
4 fun magic tricks for kids

Magic fascinates us all, children and adults of all ages love magic. Today we’re going to show you four fun magic tricks that you can perform on many occasions. Maybe you want to surprise your children or do the magic tricks during a special celebration?

Just read on and find out how you can leave your children speechless and amaze them!

1. Make a coin disappear

Making a coin disappear is one of the easiest magic tricks to excite your kids with.

For this trick you will need the following utensils:

  • 2 sheets of white paper
  • 1 crystal glass
  • Transparent tape
  • A coin
  • A cloth to cover the glass

You need to do some preparation for this magic trick. After you’ve gathered all of the utensils together, the first thing you need to do is prep the jar that you will be using for the trick.

To do this, take a sheet of paper and place the glass on it with the opening facing down. Then you draw a circle on the paper. You cut this out now.

Now there are two more work steps to follow. Take the second sheet of paper and tape it to the table. Then you take the circle that you cut out earlier and glue it to the glass that closes the opening of the glass.

By sticking the paper circle on the opening of the jar, you will ensure that no one will notice that the jar is closed with paper if you put it upside down on the table.

Magic tricks for children: the magic can begin

As soon as you have everything ready, you can start the demonstration. Tell the children that you are going to make a coin disappear. Cover the jar with a cloth or handkerchief. Now you ask them to say the magic formula.

Then remove the cloth from the glass and the children will believe that the coin has disappeared. However, it has not disappeared, it has just disappeared under the piece of paper that you previously glued to the opening of the glass.

Magic tricks - magicians with scarves

2. The balloon that won’t burst

For this magic trick you will need the following utensils:

  • Some balloons
  • Pins or thumbtacks (or other sharp objects not dangerous to children)
  • Transparent tape

This trick also requires some preparation. First, you should inflate all of the balloons. Then you just attach a small piece of tape to your own balloon. You will give the other balloons to the children later, so there is no tape on these balloons. So the children won’t be able to see how the trick works.

When you perform the trick, you will distribute all the taped balloons among the children in attendance. In addition, each child receives a pin or a pushpin.

Now you ask all the children to stab the balloon at the same time to make it burst. The children’s balloons will all burst. But your balloon will stay whole. Of course, you have to make sure that you stick your pin exactly in the spot where you previously attached the tape.

3. Magic tricks for children: the stolen nose

Although this magic trick is only intended for very young children, it is still very beautiful because it always makes them laugh. All you have to do is tell the kids that you are going to steal their little noses. To do this, touch their noses for a few seconds.

Then you put your thumb between your index finger and your ring finger so that it appears as if there is a small nose between your fingers. For a few seconds, the children will actually believe that their nose has disappeared.

4. The magic card trick

For this magic trick you only need a deck of cards from which you take 21 cards. First you choose a child from the audience and have them draw a card from these 21 cards. Then ask the child to show this card to the audience as well.

Then you put the card back in the pile. Now lay out the cards in 3 rows of 7 cards in front of you on the table so that each card is visible. Now ask the child to show you which of the three rows the chosen card is in.

You now place this pile between the other two piles and then put the cards back on the table. Ask the child again to show you the pile in question. Repeat this process two more times.

In this way, the chosen card should be in the middle of the pile that the child displays in the third round.

Magic tricks - card up your sleeve

Practice the magic tricks before performing them

If you want to convincingly perform these magic tricks, it is important that you practice them beforehand. We recommend doing this in front of a mirror. Because it is not only important that you practice the trick yourself, but also the way in which you perform it (this is very important with magic tricks).

Although you are performing the magic tricks in front of children, you should not underestimate their intelligence. If you haven’t practiced enough, they’ll be able to see how the trick works very quickly and disenchant your magic.

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