4 Remedies For Psoriasis

Many children suffer from skin diseases such as psoriasis. Here we have put together a few remedies for it. Try them out and see for yourself how effective they are. 
4 remedies for psoriasis

In this article, we’ve put together a few  remedies for psoriasis . This is a chronic skin disease that usually occurs in bursts and leads to reddish, round foci with scaling.

These can be painful and uncomfortable, especially with children. They occur all over the body, usually on the elbows, knees, or on the scalp.

Psoriasis is usually accompanied by itching, inflammation and reddened skin. It is an inherited disease that occurs particularly when the immune system is weak.

It is believed that a misdirected attack by the immune system causes the epidermal cells to multiply and therefore to form scales. This disease is not contagious and can usually be treated successfully. 

In adults, psoriasis vulgaris, also known as plaque psoriasis, is the most common. The scaly areas are then mainly found on the scalp. 

The best remedies for psoriasis in children

Here are a few alternative remedies for children with psoriasis. Of course, you shouldn’t see them as a substitute for your doctor’s prescribed drugs, but they can be used as a supplement.

1. Turmeric for psoriasis

A treatment with turmeric to reduce cell growth. As a result, the scaly spots on the skin also disappear.

Remedies for psoriasis - Heilmittel_ gegen_Schuppenflechte-2

Turmeric is effective in treating this skin condition as it is anti-inflammatory as well. This has also been proven in various studies. Season as many dishes as possible with turmeric!

2. Banana peels for psoriasis

While there is no scientific evidence that banana peel works for psoriasis,  it is a popular home remedy that has helped many patients.

This is certainly also due to the strong anti-inflammatory properties of the banana. This delicious fruit is also characterized by valuable antioxidants.

In fact, banana extract is often used in soothing lotions. This provides the skin with moisture and so can relieve irritation and itching.

If you want to try this home remedy, peel the banana and rub the inside of the peel on the affected areas.

3. Aloe vera for psoriasis

Aloe vera has been known for its therapeutic effects for decades and has been used for a long time. 

It is very good for treating psoriasis as it is a natural moisturizer. In addition, it contains healing ingredients that promote cell renewal.

Its anti-aging effect should also be emphasized. In addition, this plant is known for its anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties. It also has a calming effect on the skin and is therefore a popular home remedy.

In fact, you can find a lot of aloe vera products in the drugstore that are good for your skin. Usually it is tinctures and gels that are applied to the skin.

4. Coconut oil for psoriasis

Coconut oil provides the skin with moisture and soothes itching at the same time.

Remedies for psoriasis - remedies against psoriasis

You can use it to care for the dry areas of the skin and reduce inflammation. It is best to apply the oil to your skin after the shower to get the most out of it. Let the coconut oil soak into the skin.

These home remedies can also be very helpful. Don’t forget, however, to get your child examined and advised by a doctor. If your doctor prescribes medication, you should stick to it and give it to your child! 

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