5 Main Symptoms Of Appendicitis

Severe abdominal pain can be the symptom of an infection of the appendix. This is known as appendicitis and it can be fatal.
5 main symptoms of appendicitis

The appendix is ​​an enigmatic and contradicting organ. It is up to 10 cm long and extends through the large intestine. The main symptoms of appendicitis are acute and persistent pain. They are so strong that you may no longer be able to walk.

If this situation occurs, it is not advisable to wait for additional symptoms of appendicitis before seeing a doctor. Learn more about this painful disease below.

What is appendicitis?

There are many reasons this tiny organ can swell. Basically, the passage or flow in the colon is obstructed. This in turn leads to inflammation and manifests itself as discomfort in the right abdominal area.

As soon as inflammation occurs, the infection begins in the appendix, as the toxins present there can no longer be released.

The pain gradually increases considerably and extends from the middle of the abdomen to the lower part.

If the appendicitis isn’t treated right away , the infection can cause an abscess. This causes the tissue to tear. The result is inflammation of the peritoneum and is known as peritonitis. And this can be fatal.

5 symptoms of appendicitis

With appendicitis, the patient generally has more or less the following symptoms:

  • Severe pain in the middle and lower abdomen, mostly on the right side. Stiffness in the affected area and swelling are also common.
  • Vomiting, loss of appetite and dizziness
  • fever
  • Diarrhea and constipation
  • Increase in the number of white blood cells in the blood

Now let’s look at each point in detail to better understand the symptoms of appendicitis.

Appendix scar

1. Acute pain

In the first few hours of appendicitis, when the inflammation is fresh, the pain is subtle and around the navel.

Within hours, the brain can determine the cause of the nerve signals. In less than 24 hours, the pain of the swollen appendix spreads to the abdomen.

The area where this swelling occurs and the patient’s description of the pain are usually clue enough for a doctor to determine the cause when first diagnosed.

2. Loss of appetite, dizziness and vomiting

These symptoms can appear collectively and separately, as not all three are always present. However, intense pain is more or less associated with the aforementioned signs.

Appendicitis cannot be diagnosed by dizziness, vomiting, or loss of appetite alone. The same therefore also applies to the other symptoms listed.

It is the pain in that specific area – periumbilical – that really sets off the appendix alarm.

3. fever

Fever is the body’s main defense mechanism and varies from person to person.

In general, having a fever doesn’t necessarily signal an alarm among symptoms of appendicitis. Typically the temperature will not exceed 38 ° C (100.4 ° F).

However, if appendicitis progresses successfully and perforation occurs, the body temperature can increase significantly. In this case, the infection is serious as the bowel movements may be in contact with the abdominal area.

4. Constipation or diarrhea

The presence or absence of diarrhea as a symptom of appendicitis depends on the distance between the rectum and the pelvic area.

If the rectum is in the area of ​​inflammation, this symptom can occur.  Bowel movements do not necessarily lose their consistency, although the frequency of bowel movements increases.

On the other hand , constipation is more likely to be considered an atypical symptom in this case. Constipation is only mentioned because if it does, it is most likely part of the same picture.

Appendicitis causes pain in the lower abdomen

5. Increase in white blood cells

White blood cells are the main defense cells in our body and a simple laboratory analysis can determine their number. If the count is larger, it is a clear sign that external factors are triggering an inflammatory or infectious process.

When the white blood cell count is high, it means the inflammation is getting worse and the immune system is making more white blood cells.

In summary , all symptoms of appendicitis should be related to the area and type of abdominal pain that the patient is describing. Generally, the doctor will suggest removing the organ to avoid serious infections in the future.

Living healthy, exercising, avoiding sedentary lifestyles, and eating a balanced diet are the best ways to prevent appendicitis in children, adolescents, and adults.

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