5 Reasons For Planning A Second Pregnancy

In many cases, a second pregnancy does not require planning because it often comes as a surprise. However, couples who choose to have more than one child from the start can plan a second pregnancy because there are many reasons to do so.
5 reasons to plan a second pregnancy

As soon as the mother has recovered sufficiently from the first pregnancy and is physically ready to have another child  , the parents can start planning a second pregnancy. Today we give you various reasons that speak for more than just one child. 

Planning a second pregnancy - hands of family members are on baby bump

Love and a willingness to expand the family are the most important requirements. The need to give the older child a sibling should not be a priority. 

Many women are very happy to be pregnant, they love the feeling of having a child in the womb and enjoy the emotional, physical and mental changes that come with it. These women always find reasons to expand the family!

Planning a Second Pregnancy – Why?

Planning a Second Pregnancy - Pregnant Woman with Daughter

A happy mother finds innumerable reasons for a second pregnancy. We will then take a closer look at some of them.

Here are five reasons that can help you make your decision:

  • The partnership is strengthened because both have a common goal that is full of love, shapes the future together and enables happy family moments.
  • It’s a perfect excuse to adopt healthy habits. To ensure pregnancy without complications, a healthy diet is very important. In addition, tobacco and alcohol should be avoided!
  • The grandparents and the whole family experience a very special feeling of happiness.  The expectant mother is pampered and receives a lot of attention and tenderness.
  • The new life energy lets the mother-to-be feel harmony with nature. She develops as a person, realizes the worth of her own mother, and takes pride in being a woman.
  • Every pregnancy is a new experience worth living in. The expectations of the future are changing, because it is not just about giving  birth to a new life, but especially about accompanying the child and enjoying its development and family life for as long as possible.

When is the right time to plan a second pregnancy?

Planning a pregnancy has certain advantages. In some ways, it guarantees that the baby is born in a healthy and controlled manner. A specialist can determine whether the physical conditions are ideal for the project.

The specialist assesses factors such as the age of the parents, the older child or the time between births. In addition, required vaccinations can be given or certain diseases treated or excluded.

After a medical examination, nothing stands in the way of planning. The calculation of the fertile days is important,  and healthy lifestyle habits are a basic requirement for an upcoming pregnancy.

Other factors, such as stress or financial stability,  should also be taken into account when planning.

Planning a second pregnancy - parents with children

Whether the pregnancies follow one another quickly  or whether the couple takes more time must be decided individually. Both have advantages and disadvantages.

When the  children are born a short distance apart , they can particularly enjoy the games and activities together.

However, sometimes there can be a long time between births. Then both children grow up almost like only children, since their childhoods are separated from each other.

In any case, the most important thing is to  prepare for the new baby with love. To welcome them caringly and tenderly in the family, because a child is always an occasion for joy!

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