5 Wonderful Moments Of Pregnancy

The birth of a child is the climax of a life that will always have its charm. The possibility of giving life to another person leaves no mother indifferent.
5 wonderful moments of pregnancy

There are many wonderful moments of pregnancy that you will keep on your mind forever. Over the years, these moments will be like scenes from your favorite films that you will always remember in great detail.

Pregnancy is a sensitive time that requires dedication, patience, and effort. However, it is also a time when there can be a lot of discomfort.

However, none of the ailments you face can take away the joy of giving birth.

5 wonderful moments of pregnancy

When you get the message that you are pregnant

The news that you are expecting a child is by far one of the most wonderful news you will ever receive in your life. At the same time, it is arguably one of the most shocking news.

It’s a moment of uncertainty. A moment of confirmation. And also a moment of conflicting emotions that will leave you speechless. Especially if you have been passionately longing to become a mother. And if you have been waiting longingly for this news for years.

When you see your baby on the ultrasound

The first time you see your baby in an ultrasound image , the intense emotion that overwhelms you is likely to make you cry.

After all, this is the first “photo” you can see your baby in. At the same time, this image also guarantees you that there, inside you, really is growing a little creature.

Pregnancy tests or symptoms have less value; with an ultrasound image you get the most honest and direct sign that you finally have the miracle of life within you.

The first ultrasound at the gynecologist is a wonderful moment of pregnancy

The moment you find out the baby’s gender

The moment when you are told during the ultrasound whether your baby is going to be a boy or a girl is surely one of those moments when you would most like to jump for joy, if you could. Confirming your baby’s gender will have a powerful emotional impact on you.

And finally you can fulfill your dream and give your baby a name. You can also imagine the face of the little person that you carry within you.

From that moment on, you will begin to think about what the baby will look like, which features and facial features will be similar to yours, and which will be adopted by the father.

The first “electric shock” in your stomach

Another wonderful moment of pregnancy is when you first feel your baby.

This “electric shock” that moves the stomach sometime between weeks 16 and 20 (although it can also be later) is the first signal that your child will emit. Often this first “kick” triggers a brief shock, even if the first movements are rather weak at the beginning.

From that moment on, pedaling will be a communication channel that he or she uses often.

When the baby responds to your stimulation

During the pregnancy months, you will love getting your baby’s attention. You will often “give a touch” to your tummy in hopes that the baby will respond.

In this hope, you will use all your possibilities that are available to you: your voice, your singing, your caressing, gentle knocking, kissing …

And even if your stimulation is always different, your child’s reactions will still be noticeable with small kicks, elbows and butts: the cutest you will ever receive.

But these movements, sometimes rough, sometimes mild, reassure you that the baby is there. And they are wonderful moments of pregnancy that you will never forget.

Pregnancy can be tiring

Other wonderful moments of pregnancy and childbirth

While the entire length of a pregnancy is an intense experience, in addition to those already mentioned, there are other important and special moments that an expectant mother will experience.

Among them are the following moments that you will never forget:

  • Labor pains
  • The day your obstetrician announces the date of your caesarean section
  • The epidural anesthesia
  • The moment of birth and all the pain and feelings that come with it
  • When your baby is born and you see it for the first time
  • Your baby’s first cry
  • When you hold your baby in your arms and you can see and kiss him

The birth of a child is the climax of a life that will always have its charm. The possibility of giving life to another person leaves no mother indifferent.

If you’ve just found out that you are pregnant, don’t miss the opportunity to embrace and save all those wonderful moments of pregnancy.

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