6 Great Achievements In The First Year Of Your Baby’s Life

Every day, your baby will show you many new achievements that define his personality.
6 great achievements in the first year of your baby's life

You have certainly seen a lot of great achievements in  your baby’s first year that make you proud.

Thanks to your care and dedication, your little one will reach their first year of life with new behaviors that will surprise you.

Every day, your baby will show you many new achievements that define his personality.

Without a doubt, mom and dad are the role models a baby will follow during this phase. This means it will mimic most of your actions.

You can observe whether your child is developing normally. In other words, the  way your child plays, talks, learns, and acts, it gives you a lot of clues about their development.

These signs are known as developmental indicators and allow you to discover important facts about your little one’s overall health.

Benefits in the first year of life

Benefits in the first year of life - benefits in the first year of life-2

There are tons of great discoveries in the first year of a child’s life. Very special services are communication, social interaction and the control of body parts. 

Then you will find out what a child normally learns in the first year of life.

The first month: contact with the world

During their first few weeks of life, your child will instinctively adapt to their surroundings.

For example, it will move its eyes to the light, turn its head and open its mouth and arms when it hears loud noises, etc.

Your newborn baby communicates by crying to let you know that he is hungry, feels alone, or that he is hot or cold.

The second month: Mom’s smile

Some stimuli will make your child smile. For example when mom sees it. At the same time, it will start making gurgling noises to attract attention.

The presence of others is particularly important at this stage.

The third month: increased head movements

Your baby will now show more interest in things and will begin to turn their head in the direction of the sounds they hear. It loves visual stimulation and begins to communicate with babbling noises.

The fourth month: control over the little body

Your 4 month old is now holding his head alone and staring at his hands all the time. It laughs often and does not like to be left alone.

The fifth month: Babbling is the new way of talking

Your little one loves the sound of their own voice and is constantly making sounds. It’s already putting things in its mouth and hates it when you stop playing with it.

The sixth month: teething

From now on, your baby can roll around on his own, hold his bottle with his hands and he has a preference for certain people. The first teeth are slowly becoming visible.

It is important that you now supervise your child even better so that they do not roll off the edge of the bed or the sofa.

The seventh month: sitting alone

Every second is a new chance to learn something. Your baby’s muscles are getting stronger.

Your child can now lift their upper body and sit alone for a while. It understands what you are saying. Its sounds evolved into syllables. It also uses its hands free.

The eighth month: the feeling of fear

Strangers and new people can cause anxiety in your child unless they step up to him slowly and calmly, speaking in a soft voice.

Your child expresses their feelings and rolls over from side to side.

The ninth month: crawling

Your growing baby will crawl around from now on. Of course, this process is different for every child.

For example, you can encourage your child to do so by hiding their toys in places they can only crawl to.

The tenth month: Now get up

Benefits in the first year of life - benefits in the first year of lifeYour 10 month old child pulls himself up on all surfaces to get up. It can pronounce double syllables like “Ma-ma” and “Pa-pa”.

It waves its little hands to greet others. Also loves to hear new noises (preferably something that makes a lot of noise, like throwing toys or tearing up magazines).

The eleventh month: Almost there

You can communicate better with your baby now. It starts to say its first few words and go by itself. It understands the terms “give me this” and “put this back down”. These are great achievements in the first year of life .

The first year: independence

Your baby is now walking more and more alone and discovering new ways of playing. He spends less time napping and it is not easy for him to say goodbye.

Its language skills are now more pronounced and it names things by their names.

These are just some of the benefits your baby can do in the first year of life.

Remember, you can talk to your pediatrician about anything that doesn’t seem normal to you. But don’t forget that every child develops differently.

Treat your child with love and care. Join them and have fun with them as they discover this wonderful life and they will achieve all of these achievements in the first year of life.

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