7 Big Changes When You Become A Father

With motherhood, women experience many physical, hormonal and other changes. These changes are not unique to the mother’s life. There are also many changes when you become a father.
7 big changes when you become a father

In order for this new life not to surprise you, you must be ready to face some of the following realities when you become a father:

What are the biggest changes when you become a father?

  1. You will have less time for your usual activities. If you’re used to watching soccer with your friends or spending hours in front of the TV, it’s time to back off a little. Of course, you need time to yourself, but the care and attention your children need can make it harder for you to find that time.
    wenn du Vater wirst - Papa und Baby schlafend

  2. You have more responsibility. Fatherhood is one of the best experiences for any man, but as with all privilege, it leaves you with additional responsibilities. The father’s routine includes tasks such as caring for illnesses, feeding, changing diapers and accompanying tasks. It is necessary that you organize your time to best respond to these demands when you become a father.
  3. You will test your skills. Dad’s role includes many activities that you may never have done before. You will see that your child becomes your priority. This will push you to develop skills that you couldn’t have imagined. The tasks you share with your partner will help you perfect the techniques: how to pick it up, feed it, comfort it, and make it smile.
  4. Your finances are changing. One of the changes in becoming a father is changing your financial situation. You should now include medical bills, clothing, diapers and food in your budget and even think about studying later. Organizing your finances is essential if you are to become a father.
  5. You won’t want to part with your baby during your days off. After working a full week, you will look forward to the moment of calm that you can share with your child. Remember that both mothers and fathers need activities with their friends or family so they don’t feel trapped in their own homes.
    wenn du Vater wirst - Papa und Babybauch

  6. Your social circle can change. From the moment you become a father, you will begin to meet other couples who are going through the same process. It becomes more difficult for you to have friends without children because your activities have changed.
  7. You will discover your feminine side. A sensitive side emerges in you when you become a father. Seeing a large part of you in a little baby lets you experience a tenderness and love that you never thought existed. You won’t find it difficult to do activities that you previously thought were very feminine. You do everything for the well-being of your child.

Recommendations for those who are or want to be parents

  • Time is the best gift you can give your children. Make the most of every moment you can share with them. Watching her grow up is a privilege you don’t want to miss.
  • Be tolerant. Remember that you are in the world to teach your children everything they should know. Sometimes you may be on the verge of losing patience, but look at their faces with tenderness and take deep breaths to calm yourself.
  • Talk and play with them. Gestures and movements are best friends for children in their first few years of life. Exercise will make them much easier to learn.
  • Pay attention to your children’s feelings. Every time children express themselves, they expect an answer from you. Just as adults don’t like to talk to themselves, it’s not comfortable for them either.
  • Love and discipline: the perfect combination. A love that educates is the key to forming good people. Show them all of your affection, but also teach them to act correctly.

While all of this changes when you become a father, and it sounds radical, you will receive the best reward you can imagine. Your child’s love. Each of his kisses, hugs, and words of affection will be more than worth living this new lifestyle.

Enjoy this new phase and greet this new version of yourself, greet this new man who is now called “Papa”.

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