7th Month Of The Baby’s Life – What Happens?

From the 7th month of life of the baby, its independence grows.
7th month of the baby's life - what happens?

With every month our baby experiences new emotions and gradually develops its mobility. In no time at all, we are already in the 7th month of the baby’s life, and he is sure to want a little more independence. Maybe it can sit on its own and has even started crawling.

However, not all children develop their skills at the same pace. Mother’s encouragement is very important in achieving these skills.

Changes in the baby’s 7th month of life

weight and height

In general, babies at this age have variable weights.

It is considered normal that the weight fluctuates between 7 and 9.5 kg in the seventh month of life and the height, which is between 66 and 72 centimeters.

Repetition of words and sounds

It’s time! Help the baby stimulate their speech. Encourage interaction, play and sing with him.

Pay attention to what you hear, your baby may already be repeating notes or words, and you won’t want to miss the first few notes, even if they are just syllables.

Attempts to crawl and falls

If the baby already has some strength in their legs, they will surely want to start crawling. You will see how it relies on its hands and knees or even its feet to get up. If you haven’t seen these attempts yet, don’t be discouraged, it may take a while, but it is sure to come!

7th month of the baby's life some start crawling.

It’s time to say NO

Even if you don’t believe it, your baby can already see a negative at this stage of development. Your firm voice and tone will tell that you said “no”.

It is sure to have its first teeth and can bite your nipple or pick something unsteadily in your hand. Time to practice saying no!

What should a 7 month baby eat?

In the first six months you have certainly started to incorporate some foods such as vegetables, fruits and grains into your menu. In the seventh month of the baby’s life there is still room for the unknown in the menu. This month you can give your baby chicken and lean meat in very small and well-cooked pieces.

You can experiment with other types of well-ground grains and incorporate gluten-containing grains like wheat or corn. In addition, the baby can already nibble on a few pieces of sponge cake, soft biscuits or pieces of bread.


In the 7th month of the baby's life, new foods are introduced after consultation with the pediatrician.

Our baby grows very quickly and with it his need for independence. We should support it to be more autonomous.

With these recommendations you can promote his motor coordination and have fun at the same time. Apply the tips and you will see them soon pay off.

  • Put the spoon in his hand at the time of eating. Even if you bring him to his mouth, you are promoting his independence.
  • Try making sounds with the palms of your hands. You can also throw him kisses or give him a toy that makes sounds.
  • Maintain healthy sleeping habits. You will find that your child needs their regular sleep routine.
  • This month is a good time to let the baby sleep alone.
  • It develops its coordination, offers it games in which it can recognize colors and shapes. It is also a good moment for reading aloud and playing in the mirror.
  • Make the house childproof or adjust an area so that your baby can move around safely.

Since the baby’s 7th month of life is associated with a small increase in its independence, you can treat yourself to small moments of relaxation (while you watch him play alone, eat alone or try to put his feet in his mouth).

As you gradually introduce solid foods, it is essential to consult your pediatrician about each new food item.

For example: some paediatricians prefer to wait until the baby is one year old before adding fish to their diet, while others wait much longer because fish is an allergenic food.

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