8 Foods You Should Avoid While Breastfeeding

As a mother, it is important to know what foods you can eat and what to avoid while breastfeeding. Because everything you eat, you also pass on to your baby.
8 foods to avoid while breastfeeding

As in pregnancy, mothers should also ensure good nutrition while breastfeeding. There are certain foods that you should avoid while breastfeeding as they will not be good for your baby.

This article will tell you what foods are involved and why you should avoid them.

You need to be careful and pay close attention to your diet while breastfeeding  . It is no longer necessary to eat properly. 

Healthy nutrition while breastfeeding

While breastfeeding, it is important to create a versatile, nutrient-dense eating plan.

This can include fried eggs or omelettes, fresh or dried fruit, nuts, ham or chicken, for example. Above all, the diet of breastfeeding mothers should be varied.

It should also be high in vitamin D, vitamin C, and healthy fats like butter and egg yolks. It’s also a good idea to look for healthy foods when snacking too.

In between, for example, you can treat yourself to a tea with toast, jam, cream cheese and honey. A lot of vegetables are recommended in the evening.

However, you shouldn’t overeat to  save your liver and heart. Eat a balanced diet with healthy fats, vegetables, legumes, fruits, meat, soups, poultry, fish, dairy products, and other important foods.

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to consume more dairy products than normal while breastfeeding in order to produce breast milk. Breastfeeding is much more complex and milk production depends on other aspects.

Get advice from your doctor or a  nutritionist to create a nutrition plan that is tailored to your needs.

The daily diet for breastfeeding mothers

You may be wondering what amounts to consume each of the different foods.

Breastfeeding mothers should consume the following foods on a daily basis:

  • Bread: 400 g
  • Meat: 170 g
  • Milk: 400 g
  • Soup: 250 g
  • Sugar: 20 g
  • Fresh vegetables: 500 g
  • Fruit: 200 g
  • Fat cheese: 40 g

Diet while breastfeeding

However, there are not only good but also bad foods to eat while breastfeeding. Because some foods can be harmful to the baby. To protect your health and that of your baby, avoid the following foods.

8 foods to avoid while breastfeeding

If you are breastfeeding your child, you should avoid the following foods as much as possible:

Beans and chickpeas

These legumes affect the functioning of the baby’s colon and can cause gas.

Citrus and other fruits

You should avoid fruits like oranges, tangerines, guavas, and passion fruits. Because these have a detrimental effect on the digestive functions of your baby.

For example, they can cause heartburn in babies. However, they are also a good source of vitamins. You must therefore observe for yourself and decide whether you can eat these fruits.

Hot spices

Hot spices should completely ban breastfeeding mothers from their diet, as they  disrupt the intestinal functions.

For example, this can cause the baby to have difficulty defecating, which is very uncomfortable.


Onions can cause problems with the baby’s emotional development and mood. They can also sometimes lead to colic and make the child irritable.

But even here you have to observe and decide for yourself. Because onions are not a problem for many. They can even be beneficial as they contain polysaccharides, flavonoids, and fructosans, among others.

Broccoli and cauliflower

Eating these vegetables while breastfeeding can cause uncomfortable cramps in the baby. Some people also claim that broccoli and cauliflower change the taste of breast milk. In truth, however, babies don’t really notice a difference.


It is also advisable to avoid coffee while breastfeeding, as it irritates the baby’s sleep phases. This can lead to insomnia and can make the baby restless and nervous. Healthy brain development is disrupted.

Diet while breastfeeding


You should avoid some types of fish until your baby is one and a half years old. This will prevent your baby from developing allergies.

While there are certain foods that you should avoid while breastfeeding, always remember that every woman is different! Every body reacts differently to different diets.

With the help of a specialist, you can find the right diet for you and meet your baby’s needs. When in doubt, you can ask a nutritionist or doctor.

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