Three Twins In Just 26 Months: Is That Possible?

If there are already twins in the family, there is a greater chance of having some yourself. Because, among other things, genetic factors play a role. 
Three twins in just 26 months: is that possible?

The answer is yes, no matter how amazing it sounds. Danesha Couch, a 23-year-old American, gave birth to twins three times in just 26 months .

If there are already twins in the family, there is a greater chance of having some yourself. Because, among other things, genetic factors play a role. 

So it was not surprising for Danesha to become the mother of twins. The amazing thing is that she had twins three times in just 26 months . 

Find out more about this unique story.

Three twins in just 26 months

Three twins in just 26 months

26 months seems like a very short period of time for three pregnancies. Even so, this happens more often than we think.

Some women plan to have children in a short period of time, others are simply surprised.

According to official figures, the chances of conceiving three twins in a row are 1 in 500,000.

Danesha gave birth to twins three times in no time. Your story has created both surprise and excitement. But it wasn’t easy for Danesha Couch.

Their first pair of twins were born in April 2014. Both the pregnancy and the birth proceeded with various complications. One of the twins died in childbirth.

The second twins were born twelve months later, which means that Danesha became pregnant again shortly after giving birth. Both pregnancies came about naturally.

In June 2016 the young woman had her third twins, two girls. The little ones spent three weeks in the intensive care unit. A month after their birth, they were with their mother and three little brothers.

Surprise of nature?

As already mentioned, there are several factors that favor a twin pregnancy. For example, genetic predisposition or artificial insemination. 

It is not uncommon for a woman to have twins more than once. There are also cases where triplets are born after twins! 

Twins 3 times in just 26 months

The European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology has found that women of African descent are more likely to have multiple pregnancies.

It should not be forgotten that the likelihood of twin pregnancies is greater because the women affected tend  to produce and release more than one egg per month. 

In this case, both ovaries produce eggs in each cycle. Both can be fertilized, which can lead to a multiple pregnancy.

Age and socio-economic conditions are not natural factors, but they did play a role in the young woman who gave birth to twins three times in just 26 months.

The young woman still has many fertile years ahead of her. However, she does not want to have any more children for the next 10 years.

With five young babies, life is complicated enough because their financial situation leaves much to be desired.

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