Jealousy Of Siblings – What Can You Do Here?

There are many reasons a child can be jealous, but the arrival of a new little brother or sister is certainly a major one.
Jealousy of Siblings - What Can You Do Here?

Helping children with feelings of jealousy of siblings is one way to ensure that this situation doesn’t degenerate into something more problematic. Jealousy in children is quite normal. But this situation and how to deal with it can be difficult for parents.

Jealousy in children should not be viewed negatively. In fact, this is also proof that the child feels part of the family. By jealousy of siblings, especially newborns, a child expresses fear of losing their parents’ love and affection. It is important to address these feelings, however.

While parents often worry that their children will be jealous of siblings, most fail to prepare them for it before the new family member arrives. However, preventing jealousy is just as important as dealing with it when it is around.

Let’s look at a few ways we can help children get rid of their jealousy of siblings and related fears.

How to simplify the customization process

We know that not all children react the same way to a new sibling. Some will openly show their jealousy and others will hide it. Some children are not jealous at all.

For this reason, it is important  to talk to children before a brother or sister is born.  This helps them to get used to this change in good time.

Your child should know what changes are in store for them. It may be that you haven’t even thought about it yourself. This is exactly why it is important that someone tell them.

The care and attention a newborn baby needs will take up much of your time and energy. Don’t let your child find this out by surprise when the time has come. 

 We cannot tell children how to feel about a new baby. Be patient, understanding, and tolerant with their emotions. The jealousy may quickly subside. Take care, but don’t worry too much either.

When the baby comes home, your child will understand better what you explained to them beforehand.  Then it is time to help him adjust to the situation.

Some families choose to monitor or limit contact between children until the older child has stabilized emotionally.

Help children get rid of jealousy of siblings

Jealousy of siblings

This process may not be an easy one. Children don’t change their minds that easily. Especially not if they are not given proper guidance. Patience and love are keys to helping children overcome jealousy of siblings.

These tips have helped many families to resolve this situation:

  • Encourage the older child to spend time with their little brother or sister. Let them hold and touch the baby – always under supervision, of course.
  • Make sure that when family and friends come to visit, not everyone is fixated on the new child all the time.
  • Avoid letting the newborn occupy the older child’s space. Don’t force them to give up their nursery or other personal space.
  • Give them one-on-one attention every day. This is how you make sure they don’t feel left out. Try to keep doing some of the activities you did together so far.
  • Accept that they will behave like a younger child again for a while, such as asking for a bottle. The best thing then is to comply with these wishes without paying too much attention.
  • Be affectionate to both children. Don’t neglect either. But don’t spoil the older jealous child too much. Otherwise, you are conveying to him that his behavior is good and right.
  • Don’t yell at the older child when they’re a little rough with the little one. Speak clearly when you say what is acceptable and what is not.
  • Asking the older child to participate in caring for the baby can be effective.  It helps them bond with their sibling. In this way, they will also realize that the baby has needs that take more time.
  • Your older child will appreciate if you give them some kind of special privilege that is appropriate for their age.

Depending on how old the child is, it should be able to adapt to the presence of the new sibling relatively quickly. Nevertheless, you should be too attentive and watch for inappropriate behavior.

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