Don’t Leave The House Without Saying Goodbye To Your Child

Never leave the house without saying goodbye to your child. Never think it’s best for your child. You can’t imagine how wrong you can be with this. You are much less aware of the consequences of this erroneous behavior.
Don't go out of the house without saying goodbye to your child

Saying goodbye to your child is without a doubt one of the hardest things to do every day. It doesn’t matter whether you are leaving the house to shop, go to the gym, study, work, or attend a meeting. The moments when you have to separate from your child always hurt.

But one of the biggest mistakes mothers – and sometimes grandmothers – often make is not saying goodbye. This affects the child not only in the moment, but also in the long term. It creates a deeper emotional wound than you can imagine.

So every time you go out, do what is best for both of you. Say goodbye to your child, no matter how difficult it is. It doesn’t matter how much it cries. The only difference is the fact that you see them cry, because when the child realizes that you have just disappeared, they will feel the same or worse.

How important is it to say goodbye to your child?

To say goodbye - baby and dog look out the window

Unfortunately, if you leave the house without saying goodbye to your child, you will not avoid their pain. And not even his tears. You don’t see what is happening to your child, but you feel bad. You will feel worse if you don’t say goodbye to your child. As you can see, not saying goodbye is not a good measure.

On the other hand, here are some things to keep in mind as well. When your child knows you are going out, they cry because they are sad. On the other hand, if your child doesn’t know what happened to you, they’ll cry out of desperation and fear. Obviously, these are two more complex sensations that it will face that create wounds that need to heal.

Another reason you should say goodbye to your child is to gain their trust. If you suddenly disappear without an explanation, you create suspicion. Your child may perceive you as a person who cannot be trusted.

Forget the distraction techniques. Specialists insist that this is a counterproductive method. These techniques create great confusion in children. Therefore, they will bombard you with questions as they do not know exactly whether their mother will be back or not.

Remember that separation from their mother is no small problem for all creatures. You are his world, his favorite person, his everything. Don’t turn his world upside down out of pity, because you’re only causing trauma to your baby.

What is the best way to say goodbye to my child?

To say goodbye - boy is crying in mom's arms

Approach your child and give them a kiss and a hug. You should always smile carefree. Explain that mom will be going out of the house for a while. You should always point out to your child that you are coming back. The truth is that you cannot avoid their crying because it is normal and the child is expected to show their feelings.

The farewell ritual should of course be calm and not last long. Wish your child a good day and a great time. Avoid saying “I’ll miss you” – both of you will feel it anyway. Such statements only make the transition difficult.

If the child gets very sad, don’t go back because every time you go back it will make things worse. Just calm it down and tell him you will call. Of course, if you make this promise, you shouldn’t break it for anything in the world. Every time you have time, call your child and tell them how much you love them.

This way you won’t prevent your child from missing you, but they won’t feel insecure, fearful, and angry. With this simple farewell ritual, the child begins to see parting as something temporary. And it will associate that you will come back after a while. Saying goodbye to your child is important because it will help them deal with the breakup process.

Do it as it is best for you. Reduce your child’s suffering and despair. Reduce your anxiety by knowing you are doing the right thing. You’ll leave the house calmer because you haven’t used strategies to deceive your child.

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