Things That Happen When The Baby Grows

Having a baby is the most beautiful thing in the world and all mothers know that. However, the period when the child is a baby is short and goes by very quickly. 
Things that happen when the baby grows up

With the first baby, things often happen that a mother did not expect. During pregnancy, when she waited longingly for the child, she had no precise idea of ​​what life with the baby would actually be like. As the  baby grows up,  you learn new things every day, but they will soon be a thing of the past. And that’s exactly what today’s article is about.

Having a baby is the most beautiful thing in the world and all mothers know that. However, the  period when the child is a baby is short and goes by very quickly. 

The first few days at home can be exhausting and painful. Sometimes you even think you are going crazy if you don’t know when and how to react.

But routine soon comes into the initial chaos and you forget the difficulties of the first time. But while the  baby is growing,  there are also unforgettable moments and many surprising things. Enjoy this short but very intense time. You will think back to it many times in your life!

When the baby grows up …

Disorientation: what should I do?

The feeling of disorientation and ignorance is not at all pleasant for first-time mothers. They often do not know what to do or how to react. But a mother’s learning curve goes up steeply and soon everything is going like clockwork.

When a woman sees a baby photo she often thinks how easy it is to care for a child, but there are many obstacles in everyday life that are rarely discussed.

Everything has to be learned first: In advertisements it seems easy to put the stroller in the car, but that’s not the case if you’ve never done it before. But in a very short time things like these are part of normal everyday life. 

Baby on one hand

Routine is fundamental!

It is very important to introduce routines and habits into the daily routine from the beginning so that the baby feels safe and comfortable. As a baby grows up, it  needs to know exactly what to expect. However, parents sometimes feel overwhelmed or disoriented and forget that they need to put their own needs aside.

Lack of sleep and…. Exhaustion!

One often hears that the body adapts to the lack of sleep in the first few weeks and gets used to it. But  that doesn’t always have to be the case. Even if many years go by, you will probably always remember the great tiredness in the first time with your baby.

But in the first time with your baby you will not think  that you will be tired the next day and have to go to work, and that this will repeat itself every day. Only in the memory do you become aware of certain things.

And one day you will suddenly sleep all night long. Because when your baby grows up, it won’t wake you anymore. You wake up in the morning and realize that you got to sleep all night (or at least five hours straight and you just feel great.

The time of lack of sleep is over … at least until you decide to give your child a sibling. Then of course everything starts all over again. But you already know a lot about a lot.

Torticollis in babies

Postpartum recovery

After a natural birth or after a caesarean section, the body needs rest. However, this is a great physical and emotional challenge because you have to take care of the baby too, after all.

How long the recovery phase takes depends on each woman and, of course, on the type of delivery. It is important that the new mother finds relaxation during this time  and can also take care of herself so that the pain is not too bothersome.

The baby has a stomach ache

Abdominal pain is very uncomfortable for babies. But parents often feel powerless because there is not much they can do to help their child. At first they are at a loss, but they quickly know what to do.

A stomach massage and lots of love can usually relieve the pain quickly. As the baby grows up, abdominal pain will become less and less common.

There are so many things that happen when the baby grows up. And all of a sudden it’s big and much more independent. But all the beautiful and difficult moments remain in the memory.

What do you particularly like to remember when you think back to the first time with your little darling?

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