My Child Doesn’t Want To Learn: What Can I Do?

Do your children rebel against learning too? Instead of scolding them, try to find the reasons why they don’t want to study.
My child doesn't want to learn: what can I do?

“My child doesn’t want to learn : what can I do?” This is a question that many parents ask themselves frequently. However, it is not uncommon for children not to want to learn. This is caused by various factors.

It could e.g. B. be due to the pressure at home. Or harassment from classmates. Or they just go through a rebellious moment.

Read on below to find out how you can encourage and motivate your child to learn.

There are several reasons a child might not want to study

In addition to the factors mentioned above, bad advice and habits seen on TV can also negatively affect children. For example, some celebrities claim that studying is pointless because they made it to fame without leaving school.

In this case, you should make an effort to find out the reason why your child does not want to study. And with the possible answers your child gives you, you should offer the help you need.

Of course, it is not easy to communicate with children who are in a rebellious stage, such as puberty or pre-puberty. So you have to be patient.

Some practical tips if your child doesn’t want to study

Listen carefully

Keep calm and listen to your children. However, don’t be discouraged if they don’t want to speak. Additionally, in these cases, you shouldn’t lose hope, get angry, or be concerned. If your children are trying to ventilate, don’t interrupt them, or they may feel uncomfortable if they open up to you.

When they see how understanding you are, they most likely want to solve their problems with you.

Allow them to do other things

Children and young people need to have free time and not just concentrate on school. If you prevent them from doing other activities for no good reason (listening to music, exercising, or dancing), they will rebel against you by not studying.

So give them the time and space to do other things instead of taking the “school and nothing else” attitude. Spend time with your children doing the things they like together. As a result, your children will see that everything has to be in balance in life.

Be understanding if your child doesn’t want to learn

Be careful not to be passive. Correct your children if necessary, but without being harsh. If you are flexible, you will gain the trust of your children.

They tell you everything that is going on in their life. They also trust you when it comes to sensitive matters. This gives you the opportunity to find a solution together.

If your child does not want to learn, it is important to be understanding and listening to them

Help them imagine their future

Together you can analyze the consequences when it comes to deciding whether your child should learn. Show him the advantages and disadvantages. Use this time to ask your child about his or her future goals. Ask what they’d like to do when they get on their own or what career they’d like to pursue.

This will help your child better understand what they need to do to achieve these goals. Perhaps exploring a desired career will encourage your child to focus more on learning.

Show your child that they should strive to work harder and better to become someone who is great and respected by the world.

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