Does Your Child Have Trouble Sleeping Early?

Only those who get enough sleep are rested and fit for new tasks the next day. This is especially important for children. This is because they can develop their cognitive skills better and save what they have learned while they sleep. You will also have more strength to face daily tasks the next day.
Does your child have trouble sleeping early?

Sleeping early  shouldn’t be a problem for your child. Going to bed is the grand finale of the day and completely normal, you just have to get your little darling used to a regular routine.

However, if your child has trouble falling asleep,  or if they just don’t want to, you need to do something before they get to the daily drama. 

Only those who get enough sleep are rested and fit for new tasks the next day. This is especially important for children. This is because they can better develop their cognitive abilities  and save what they have learned while they sleep. You will also have more strength the next day to face your daily tasks.

A good night’s sleep helps the child recharge their batteries,  strengthen the immune system and prevent various diseases.

Does your child not feel like going to sleep early?

Does your child not feel like going to sleep early?

Some parents burden their children with so many leisure activities  that they don’t feel like going to bed in the evening because they still want to occupy themselves. Music lessons, sports, language courses and other extracurricular activities fill the everyday life of many children. Although they are tired in the evening, they do not feel like going to sleep early .

In some cases, parents also believe that getting to sleep early isn’t that important. But children benefit greatly from an appropriate, restful night’s sleep. 

When parents come home late and are very busy, they often want to spend time with their children in the evening. They use the evening to play with them,  but the children often go to bed too late.

If your child doesn’t like going to bed early: helpful tips

Girl in bed

Here are a few tips to ensure your child has no trouble sleeping early:

  • Calculate when your child needs to go to bed in order to get enough sleep and not be tired in the morning.
  • Explain that sleeping is as important as eating and playing. Your child should understand the benefits so they understand the importance of a good night’s sleep. It will then understand that regular sleep times are essential and that it will be better the same in football or ballet.
  • Find a balance in daily activities and the time you spend with your child. It also takes time for yourself. 
  • Routines are very important in a child’s life. You should always go to bed at the same time, this has to become a habit:  brushing your teeth, putting on pajamas, reading, switching off the light and sleeping.
  • Even if your child is reluctant, you should attach great importance to a specific time for the night’s rest and stick to it. Turn off the television and electronic devices a while beforehand  because they activate the brain! Teach your child that cooperation is very important.
  • It has to know that sleeping is very beneficial. Accompany him to his room, talk to him or read with him, so that he can then fall asleep contentedly.
  • You can reward your little one for being good. If your child goes to bed alone, you can praise them the next day and prepare their favorite breakfast. So it looks like it’s worth it.

    As a mother, you have to be aware that it takes a while for certain processes to become routine, but it’s worth it! You too can recover better from the daily exertion this way. 

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