Baby And Pet >> Is That Okay?

Our post today is about how to achieve a comfortable and peaceful coexistence between baby and pet. We are talking about cats and dogs in particular, because these are the most popular pets.
Baby and pet >> Is that okay?

All parents-to-be who have a pet ask themselves this question:  baby and pet, are they okay? Today we invite you to think about this topic with us and to find out what you should take into account.

Our post today is about how to achieve a  comfortable and peaceful coexistence between  baby and pet We are talking about cats and dogs in particular, because these are the most popular pets.

How can you bring your cat or dog into the new family dynamic without jealousy or harm to the baby? This is a popular question that pediatricians have to answer again and again. It is usually recommended that you be careful when your baby and pet first see each other. 

Before the child was born, the focus was ultimately on the dog or cat and was pampered alone without having to share the attention with others. The animal may therefore feel neglected or jealous after the baby arrives. 

Parents must always be there when baby and pet are together to prevent possible harm to the child.

Baby and pet: gradual convergence

Baby and pet are having fun

Here are some tips to keep your little baby safe while also giving your dog or cat adequate attention.

Particularly in the first year of life, certain precautionary measures are necessary to prevent possible dangers.

  • As the owner of a cat or a dog, you know for sure whether your animal is calm, peaceful, or rather aggressive. Remember, however, that jealousy can change behavior. You must therefore always be there when baby and pet approach each other.
    • After these initial steps,  you can allow the pet to be near the cradle, but you must always be there. Under no circumstances should the animal be allowed in the cradle!
    • A golden rule is to analyze how the dog or cat reacts when the baby is crying. This will tell you if your pet is getting nervous or if it’s staying calm by the child’s side.
    • The room where the baby eats and rests should be away from the animal’s whereabouts. 
    • As soon as the baby is six months old, and if they can already grab things and crawl, be careful that they are petting the pet and not hurting them.
      • As soon as the child is a little older, around 12 to 18 months old, you can let them play with the furry fluff. It will be the best playmate for your child. 

      Benefits of having a pet for children

      Baby and pet are talking

      Experts suggest that children with pets  develop fewer allergies and have stronger immune systems. 

      Certain components of bacteria, the endotoxins, can activate an enzyme in the body that protects against allergies and asthma.

      However, exceptions must be taken into account that make a young child more sensitive. For example, dog or cat hair can lead to dermatitis, allergic rhinitis or conjunctivitis.

      For this reason, the pet should only be brought closer to the child gradually. In this way you can determine whether an allergic reaction is triggered and, if necessary, consult a pediatrician.

      If there are no unusual reactions,  the fur nose can gradually come closer and closer.

      Even so, baby and pet should have separate areas. However, they can play together, the child can stroke the animal and the cat or dog can sniff the child. 

      But bedrooms and dining rooms should definitely be separated, at least in the first three years of life. However, they can have fun together in a play room or in the garden, for example. 

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