Grandparents Never Die – They Are There Forever!

Grandparents never die – they just become invisible. They have the gift of eternal life because they are rooted in the hearts of children. And with every happy memory they are more alive than ever.
Grandparents never die - they are forever present!

Everything lives on in the playful souls of children. The tenderness of their gentle hands, the voices that told old stories during a hug or the looks that were full of infinite affection and admiration. Grandparents never die – they are forever present!

It is the law of life. Childhood heroes have the privilege of seeing their grandchildren come into the world. In contrast, the little ones carry the burden of saying goodbye. They ponder the painful transition of their grandparents, whose hair is slowly turning the color of snow and whose skin is furrowed.

Grandparents are forever present

This experience is usually painful and frightening for children. The best stories and moments of the grandparents are becoming more and more distant. They run like sand through your fingers. It’s time to say goodbye. This is the first loss of childhood. 

And yet: grandparents never really die. They leave immortal traces of love and affection in the child’s soul.

Grandparents never die – they live on in their grandchildren

The bond between grandparents and grandchildren comes from a deep relationship. Grandparents are devoted to their grandchildren, so they offer them protection, friendship, and understanding. In addition to taking care of and looking after the grandchildren.

Grandfather and grandmother do not die because even if they are no longer physically present, they are always there through their eternal loyalty  – in everyone. This manifests itself in a great oral legacy from every generation.

These adorable and memorable characters are able to hold grandchildren’s hand with pride and confidence while teaching them how to walk. 

In time they let go of their little hands, but they will never do that with their hearts. And that’s exactly where they’ll always be present. 

Grandparents are always present like grandma and grandchildren in the meadow

Grandparents don’t die, they become invisible. We see these shooting stars in yellowed photographs, in trees that they planted by hand and in the beautiful kitchen apron that they sewed and kept because of their immense ideal value.

Grandparents live on through the advice and encouragement they have given us and also in our outlook on life. We keep them in emotional memory and even in the way we tie our shoes they come out.

Grandparents never die – they stay present

They get wet eyes when they reminisce. They teach children that a hug makes everything better and they teach them things that are not written in a book.

Großeltern sind für immer präsent und halten unsere Hände


Grandparents are the constructors of childhood, they guard secrets and are experts in how to dispel fear. They defend happiness and free time, and they rebuild the world when it collapses. Their smell is entrenched in our senses.

For their grandchildren, grandparents always live on. Until the end of their days, the little ones will wear them like tattoos on their souls.

Grandparents are always present when we shift down a gear, act more consciously and live in the moment. Then they are our compass. 

Grandma and Grandpa become invisible, but every grandchild knows that they hide behind a smile and behind every afternoon walk.

Grandparents never die. You are always with us. They persist in every little being. And these little beings grant them the gift of immortality. 

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