For Everyone Who Calls Me The Bad Mother

Today we invite you to think with us about what a bad mother is and why mothers don’t have to be perfect either. 
For everyone who calls me a bad mother

Bad mother  is a common term used for mothers who neglect their children – at least from the speaker’s point of view.

This topic is also repeatedly expressed in social networks and films. For example in the American comedy “Bad Moms”. It describes the social pressure that many women feel  as they are supposed to be perfect in all areas of their lives.

Often every smallest detail of the upbringing is examined with a magnifying glass. Then there are the social networks, which also put women under pressure to do everything right and perfect.

We therefore invite you today to think with us about what a  bad mother  is and why mothers don’t have to be perfect either. 

Do mothers have to be perfect?

In our modern society, women have to interpret a wide variety of roles and be successful in all areas. Just a few decades ago, we were raised with one goal: to be good housewives. 

Of course, you also had to be a good wife, an experienced cook and a loving mother. In the meantime, however, the areas of responsibility have expanded a lot: 

I am not a bad mother

  • We have to be professionally successful
  • have an important circle of friends,
  • take care of our figure and look young and spectacular,
  • be independent,
  • do not forget our personal development,
  • have a partner  who values ​​our efforts, is loving and shows understanding,
  • To do sports,
  • train us and always be up-to-date,
  • cook well and always have a tidy house and
  • of course we also have to be perfect mothers who  support their children in such a way that they can thrive in this complex world.

All of these requirements mean a lot of pressure for many women. If we really want to accomplish all of these tasks, we are causing ourselves great suffering. 

We have to put social pressure into perspective and be realistic. No woman can follow this rhythm of life without getting sick. Work, sport, household chores, children, further education, beauty, homework and games with the children to guarantee their academic career …

Children in the swimming pool

Why you are not a bad mother!

Don’t let society put you under pressure. Because precisely because women nowadays work in all areas of life and, like men, are professionally successful,  they are often labeled as bad mothers when they don’t have so much time for their children.

But there is also a father, or is he allowed to be a bad father without looking bad socially?

Family at home

It is impossible to be perfect in all areas on your own. The phrase “mother raven” is completely out of place because you are doing everything right!

You’re not a bad mother if you take time to yourself every now and then

Nobody has the right to criticize you if you let your partner, family or friends look after your children from time to time in order  to enjoy a free afternoon to yourself! 

On the contrary: you need this to develop yourself personally, to find balance and to recharge your batteries!

Nobody has the right to criticize your parenting methods

How you raise your child is your business and that of your partner or the child’s father. You know that you can get help from experts if necessary. The pediatrician or a therapist can assist you if you need it.

But no one can tell you how long to breastfeed or when to start changing your child’s diet. The only important thing is that your child is fine! It has its own times and develops very individually. You know it best and you know what it takes.

There is no such thing as a perfect mother

mother and daughter

Nobody is perfect, not even mothers. We learn from our mistakes and strive every day to make our children happy. But we also need time for ourselves, because we are also women, wives, daughters and friends.

Every woman experiences being a mother differently. Nobody has the right to judge mothers or to label them as bad mothers! 

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