Should You Let Babies Cry?

Children should cry, says an oriental proverb. Crying is almost the only way babies can express their wishes. How does a helpless baby feel when it craves attention and no one reacts? Should you let babies cry or not?
Should you make babies cry?

Crying is like having a second “umbilical cord”. Babies cry for a variety of reasons, but usually to attract attention. How would you feel if you asked for something but nobody paid any attention to you? This is how your helpless baby feels when he craves attention but doesn’t get it. Should You Make Babies Cry?

Some parents feel that babies should be made to cry so they can be shown who is in charge. Other parents think that yelling too much can cause permanent damage. In fact, there are many reasons a baby may cry. In this way, it tries to attract attention in order to meet its emotional and physical needs. For example, if the diaper needs to be changed, if you are warm, if you have stomach ache or hunger or if you are tired.

Given the different opinions, it is better to look at the pros and cons to decide whether or not to make babies cry. There can be negative consequences for a baby crying too long, and it can be beneficial if you always give him immediate attention. So why not make babies cry?

Make babies cry?

Making Babies Cry – Negative Consequences


If their screaming goes unnoticed after a while, they may stop. They feel that the person who is taking care of them is ignoring them and they cry again. If their crying is not returned, they will feel lonely and insecure.


If the situation lasts long or repeats itself frequently, the baby will feel neglected. At first it is upset, even angry, but eventually gives up. Aversion arises. Since it does not receive love, it does not learn to love itself.

Criminal offenses

Conscience is not developing properly. The baby does not trust anyone and is not interested in anyone. It develops into a problem child. In extreme cases, also to a psychopathic personality incapable of feeling remorse for criminal acts.

Shaking trauma

It can be a nuisance if the baby doesn’t stop crying. Some despair of this situation and begin to shake the newborn violently. As a result, they cause what is known as shaking trauma . This causes permanent neurological damage after just a few times.

Baby is crying

“This trauma can cause bleeding, brain damage, hearing loss, blindness, spinal cord injury, paralysis, seizures, and even death.”

Juan José Ramos Suaréz Pediatra

Positive consequences

You may wonder if you are not spoiling your child if you notice them every time they scream. That is possible, but opinions differ. Every child is different and so parents need to figure out how to best deal with the situation.

However, recent research shows that a newborn’s body releases stress hormones when they’re hungry, uncomfortable, or excited. It expresses its restlessness by screaming.

When the father or mother reacts and meets the baby’s needs, they help him calm down. This creates the necessary connections in the little one’s brain. Once a baby has received the appropriate attention, it will produce less of the stress hormone cortisol.

“Babies whose needs were always met promptly, especially in the first six to eight months, cry less than those who were made to cry.”


  • Control your emotions instead of taking them out on your baby.
  • Notice what is causing the crying.
  • You can feed him or just hug him and talk him through well.
  • Stroke his back or stomach.
  • Do something to calm them down and entertain them.

A baby’s first cry is like music to a mother’s ears. The constant screaming, on the other hand, sounds like a siren and has already annoyed many. Satisfying your baby’s needs won’t spoil it. On the contrary. It shows him that he is not alone and that he has a family that pampers him with cuddles, smiles and hugs. Perhaps this way the baby will decide to stop crying for a while. 

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