Vomiting And Nausea During Pregnancy

Very often vomiting and nausea during pregnancy occur in the morning when getting up or at breakfast. It is a completely natural accompaniment that is harmless. Even so, there are a few things that can be done to alleviate these symptoms. 
Vomiting and nausea during pregnancy

Vomiting and nausea during pregnancy are uncomfortable symptoms that sometimes affect the health of future mothers as well.

Many women are particularly affected in the first trimester of pregnancy. This often happens before the woman knows she is pregnant. 

Very often vomiting and nausea during pregnancy occur in  the morning when getting up or at breakfast. It is a completely natural accompaniment that is harmless. Even so, there are a few things that can be done to alleviate these symptoms. 

Let your specialist advise you!  Today we’re also showing you some ways to get these uncomfortable symptoms under control.

Causes of vomiting and nausea during pregnancy

Vomiting and nausea during pregnancy cannot usually be prevented. These symptoms are related to the changed hormonal balance. One of the triggers is  human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG),  a peptin hormone that is responsible for the beginning and maintenance of pregnancy.

Vomiting and nausea during pregnancy

This hormone is increasingly produced, especially in the first few months. This is why symptoms such as vomiting and nausea occur more frequently in the initial phase. But this can also happen in later phases.

Gonadotropin and progesterone are hormones that, among other things, relax the digestive system. This makes reflux more common. These hormones also affect the stimulation of vomiting in the brain, which in turn triggers vomiting. 

What to do in case of vomiting and nausea

As mentioned earlier, these symptoms cannot usually be prevented. However, various measures can help to improve the situation. This can also avoid further inconveniences or undesirable consequences.

Vomiting and nausea during pregnancy

Frequent vomiting can lead to a lack of fluids and nutrients. In this case, you need to seek advice from your doctor! In less serious cases, you can consider the following tips:

  • Cookies or crackers can help in the early morning. If you experience this uncomfortable feeling when you wake up, you can have a few crackers before you get up. This is how you can balance your blood sugar levels.
  • Then you can have breakfast normally. However, wait about three hours with coffee or juice!
  • Avoid heavy meals. It is better to have several small meals. Eat a small portion every now and then. Because if you wait too long between meals, you could experience gas, which is also uncomfortable.
  • Make sure to limit your activity, as vomiting and nausea will weaken your body.
  • It is advisable to replace water and salts that are lost through vomiting. V therefore not ergiss, plenty to drink throughout the day.

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