The Role Of Maternal Grandmother

It is very important in a child’s life, and not just emotionally.

There is a special connection between the maternal grandmother and her grandchildren. At first we are not surprised by that. Although it happens again and again that you have little contact with your grandparents or rarely see them, we are inevitably connected to them.

The maternal grandmother has a very special role because she is “required” to take responsibility for her grandchildren, even more than the other grandmother. It conveys values ​​to us and thereby manages to influence all generations.

She is also of great importance from a genetic point of view, especially for her female offspring. Since a woman has developed egg cells from birth, possible grandchildren may also have been in her grandmother’s body. Can the extraordinary relationship with our maternal grandmother be scientifically explained?

How does science explain the importance of maternal grandmother?

According to the theory of the Chilean writer Alejandro Jodorowsky  , it doesn’t matter how many childhood memories you have of your maternal grandmother.  You are connected to her through genes. Taking this approach, we need to carefully consider how this influence affects a child.

Maternal grandmother genes

Obviously, the genetic asset that is passed on from mother to child is directly linked to the grandmother. Of all the grandparents, she is the most involved in the inheritance. When it comes to genes, the generations don’t seem to follow one another, but rather to skip some. As a result, it is possible that certain children may look more like great-uncle or great-grandfather than their own parents.

The similarity may not be visible, but it has definitely left its mark on the genetic level. Sometimes this trace is noticeable. This could show up in the form of a mole, eyes, or the way you walk, for example. But there are also internal characteristics, such as the properties of bones, muscles or perhaps a disease.

As can be assumed, certain aspects have nothing to do with upbringing. It is not that our son engages in the same activities that he got to know through his maternal grandmother, it is rather that she bequeathed them to him. And yes, science has an explanation. In this case it is that the grandchildren were already in their grandmother’s womb.

When the fetus is formed in the womb, it receives a great deal of biological material from the mother. Although both parents are 50% involved in the formation of the embryo, it must be nourished by the mother in order to develop further. So once the father’s participation has ended, it is up to the mother to take further action.  

Maternal grandmother in the truest sense of the word

Grandchild kisses grandmother

So if DNA says that the grandmother is involved in some way in the genetic development of her grandchildren, then it can pass on her characteristics to the grandchildren. Jodorowsky explains, however, that not only physical properties are inherited. Apparently, the maternal grandmother can also pass on her emotional experiences.

The egg from which your child was born carries your mother’s genes. All of your children inevitably have the same genetic material. 

The author Jodorowsky describes that when your mother was pregnant with you, her feelings carried over to you and you may pass them on to your future children. This emotional influence can therefore continue to exist in the second generation. 

As we know  , the information in the mitochondrial DNA, i.e. that which comes from the mother, is greater at the moment of embryo formation. The father’s semen lacks this type of information. This means that the paternal grandparents do not intervene further. Even so, some genetic studies estimate that the father’s DNA traits are much more dominant in terms of heredity.

For this reason, from a more sentimental point of view, the maternal grandmother is much more closely linked to pregnancy, childbirth and the upbringing of her grandchildren. The importance of their role is undeniable for most. We may not know what we inherited from our grandmothers, but their presence is very valuable in our lives.

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