What Does The Purple Butterfly On The Incubator Mean?

The butterfly is a symbol of a sad fate that advises visitors to be careful, considerate, and empathetic. 
What does the purple butterfly on the incubator mean?

A purple butterfly  can be seen more and more frequently on cots or incubators in hospitals. But many do not know what this is supposed to mean and that is why it often does not achieve the intended goal.

The butterfly is a symbol of a sad fate that advises visitors to be careful, considerate, and empathetic.

It is intended to point out that tragic complications have occurred during the birth of a child.

Why a purple butterfly?

Babies in the incubator.  Why a purple butterfly?

A new mother who had given birth to twins and was in the room with another mother with twins said that neither of them knew this.

One of the twin mothers said to the other how lucky she was to have just one baby. But the sad part was that this woman had given birth to one of the two twin babies dead. This hurt her feelings badly, because the other mother didn’t know about it.

This gave rise to the idea of ​​labeling these cots with a purple butterfly  so that visitors also know immediately that this baby’s little sibling could not survive.
In some cases it was born dead, in others it died shortly after birth.  If we do not know this, we can inadvertently make hurtful comments that make the situation even more difficult. 
However, anyone who knows the meaning of the symbolic butterfly knows that he must be careful not to make mistakes. With that in mind, it’s important to spread what the purple butterfly means. This is how you can protect the feelings of families in difficult situations.

Another opportunity for Skye

Fate had prepared a severe blow for the Smith family: only one of the twin children was to survive the birth. The parents were informed about this as early as the 12th week of pregnancy. 

Callie had a far better chance of survival than her sister Skye.

But the family’s wish could not be fulfilled.  Because the birth already took place in the 30th week of pregnancy and for an organ donation children have to complete the 36th week of pregnancy in the womb. 
Organ donation was therefore out of the question. But the family knew that one of their twin girls would die.  However, at birth, the baby had more strength than expected. It screamed and moved its arms as it was removed from its womb by caesarean section.
That was already a success! Because his parents were able to get to know the child and say goodbye to him.
It wasn’t planned that way, but now  every purple butterfly reminds of the little girl and her sad death. In the case of multiple births, as already mentioned, a purple butterfly indicates that one of the children has died.

The butterfly and its meaning

purple butterfly

When you see a purple butterfly on the newborn ward, your feelings are mixed. Because you know that a child saw the light of day, but you also know that the sibling didn’t make it. 

However, the child deserves to be received with joy and to shine with its own light. Nevertheless, the pain caused by the loss of the sibling is great.

Of course, the twins’ separation is also painful. But the living child does not suffer like adults. The purple butterfly is supposed to remind of the child who is no longer there.

The living child may be completely healthy and ready to make the family happy. The symbol of the butterfly should therefore not be negative, but only an indication. 

It’s not about feeling sorry for the living child. It doesn’t need consolation because it doesn’t know what happened.

The purple butterfly was created out of a mother’s pain and has become a symbol for all mothers in this situation. Because he points out to family, friends and also the hospital staff that there is a bereavement in the family. 

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