Never Leave Your Child Without Saying Goodbye

Never leave your child without saying goodbye

Often times, mothers try to avoid certain situations that can upset their children. They don’t want them to cry, kick and ask to be taken wherever we go. Even if it is difficult, we sometimes have to part with our children for a while. You should definitely remember this principle: Never leave your child without saying goodbye

In your role as a mother, you will definitely have to come up with something sooner or later: step on tiptoe, create distractions and finally disappear. All of this without saying goodbye to keep the child from getting upset.

Taking on the role of a spy and trying to complete an impossible mission just to get to work, shop, or do other chores, as well as being overtired can turn into a vicious cycle that we do for the well-being of the whole family should quit.

Never leave your child without saying goodbye and do not betray them

As soon as your child realizes that you have left, they will feel betrayed, defenseless and desolate, even if you tried to achieve the exact opposite.

“Silent exits” can be frustrating, complicated, and trigger worry or fear in your child.

Saying goodbye normally and reminding them that you’re coming back is important. This makes the event less traumatic for the whole family.

Over time, you will learn to properly interact with your child  communicate.  In this way, the goodbyes will gradually become more and more pleasant, even if your child may not understand you completely the first time you try.

The best thing to do is to integrate the farewells as normal in everyday life so that your child gradually gets used to them.

Explaining that you are leaving should be part of your everyday communication as a mother until your child takes the event naturally. At some point you will leave all the tricks that you used to sneak away with behind you.

Send positive signals

Mothers often show the pain they feel when they leave their child, either through gestures or words. When we try not to convey or hide this negative message, our smaller people will feel more secure and the goodbyes will be easier.

You should keep stressing that your child is safe. Also tell him who will keep him company during your absence. Remind it when you will be back. These are the keys to making them comfortable in your absence.

There should never be an option without yourself to adopt to leave, as children often repeat the behavior of loved ones and develop undesirable habits.

If you say something positive to them, or give them a small gift or toy that they enjoy, they’ll feel more comfortable. It also has something to distract you while you’re away.

Convey good news

When you come back you should ask your child about their day and tell them what you did. Show him your purchases or tell him about your experiences. This makes your little ones easier to forget that you were gone and strengthens the security and trust between you.

You should also reward them for being good. So can  Associations  be avoided.

Take your feelings seriously

When you make it clear to your kids that it’s normal anxiety  and feeling uneasy, they feel more understood.  Explain to them that this little breakup will help you do different things, but that you will always come back and be there for them.

Devaluing their feelings or blackmailing them emotionally only causes anger and suffering. Remember that as adults we are in control of the situation and that it is our duty as mothers to help them whenever they need our support.

How goodbyes become less traumatic

In the following we would like to give you some recommendations so that you don’t leave without saying goodbye and breakups become more common for a while:

  • Stay calm
  • Be as brief as possible
  • Show  affection
  • Remind them that you are coming back
  • Tell them who is staying with them
  • Suggest activities they can do in your absence: like drawing a picture, picking up toys, etc.
  • Remember how beneficial good behavior can be
  • Rewards  good behavior
  • Listen when they say what is bothering them
  • Answer questions or clarify doubts

Whatever you do to make brief breakups easier, never leave your child without saying goodbye.

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