Promoting Art At Home

Through art, children can express their ideas and channel their feelings without having to speak about them in words. 
Promote art at home

Art  enables children to develop their fine motor skills, understand themselves better and express themselves. You can use it to let your creativity and imagination run wild and at the same time have a learning tool at hand.

With  art  , children can express their ideas, experiences, feelings and fantasies. You can experiment, feel free, and learn to understand the world better.

It is very important to cultivate creativity and imagination, especially during childhood  A wide variety of art areas are excellent tools: painting, drawing, sculpture, music, theater or dance.

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The art in the human brain

As is well known, the brain consists of two hemispheres that perform different tasks:

  • The left hemisphere is responsible for reasoning, reasoning, and other analytical processes. It is important for math, reading, and science.
  • The right hemisphere is responsible for emotions, intuition and creativity. This part of the brain is mainly activated during creative activities.

Both hemispheres need to be stimulated and developed in order to strengthen the connection and interaction. This is one of the reasons why it is very important to promote art at a young age. 

With it, important cognitive skills are developed. As a result, the child can improve their performance and creativity, which will benefit them for their entire life.

The technology is unimportant

If you want to develop your child’s artistic skills, you shouldn’t put too much emphasis on technology. Motivate your child to explore their own possibilities and get creative. It should be able to develop freely.

It is a wonderful form of expression that opens up new possibilities for your child. Let it experiment and discover new things for yourself.

The tools should be easy to use and playful for your child to learn. It doesn’t have to be a masterpiece.  The child should enjoy the creation process and have fun with it.

Promote art at home

Children can learn a lot through artistic activities. For them it is a game that allows them to discover the world and find out how certain things work.

Art enables children to express themselves, to capture  their ideas and to think about them. You can experiment with your imagination.

  • Art helps children express themselves.
  • It’s a healthy distraction.
  • Art promotes the development of cognitive skills.
  • It also promotes the development of fine and gross motor skills (depending on the type of artistic activity).
  • When a child’s creativity is valued, they feel recognized as well. That in turn is positive for his self-confidence.

How do children benefit from art?

1. Physical development

Artistic activities promote muscle development and hand-eye coordination. It also improves motor skills, which is essential for many activities.

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2. Social development

When children work together to create art, they learn to share, interact with others, and develop a sense of responsibility for cleaning and tidying up materials.

These are all positive and important skills for social interaction. 

3. Cognitive development

Young children learn a lot through experimentation. For example, they learn what happens when they mix two colors.

4. Emotional development

Through art  , children can express their ideas and channel their feelings without having to speak about them in words.


There is often too little time at school for creative learning and art projects, so it is particularly important to encourage artistic activities in your free time.

You will see that it can also improve academic performance, as it gives children an opportunity to calm down and improve their concentration. Use various artistic means of expression to encourage your child’s development!

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