Goiter In Children: What Parents Should Know

Goiter is a disease that has various forms and is relatively common in children. In some cases the symptoms are barely noticeable. However, there are also cases in which serious symptoms can occur.
Goiter in Children: What Parents Should Know

A goiter (also called goiter in medical terms) is caused by the enlargement of the thyroid gland. The thyroid is responsible for producing many hormones that are fundamental to the growth and development of children. In today’s article, we’re going to tell you what a goiter is and whether you need to worry if your child has a goiter.

What is a goiter?

As we mentioned earlier, the enlargement of the thyroid tissue is known as goiter or goiter. The thyroid is shaped like a butterfly and is located on the front of the neck.

Their job is to produce thyroid hormones, which are responsible for controlling growth and metabolism. These are the following hormones:

  • T3 triiodothyronine
  • T4 thyroxine

When the thyroid becomes inflamed, that inflammation can affect its function. Additionally, it can lead to any of the following conditions:

  1. Hyperthyroidism: This is a pathological overactive thyroid gland in which an excessive amount of thyroid hormones are produced.
  2. Hypothyroidism: This is a pathological underactive thyroid in which too few thyroid hormones are produced. This also lowers the hormone levels in the affected tissues. This can have different causes:
    • Low hormone production
    • Changes in metabolism or changes in the distribution of hormones in the body
    • Resistance to the action of hormones in body tissues

Goiter - boy at the pediatrician

What are the causes of a goiter?

There are many causes that can cause this condition in children. Some of them are, for example:

  • Inflammation of the thyroid due to an infection. Some viruses, such as measles, mumps, or the flu, can cause thyroiditis. It is also called de Quervain’s thyroiditis.
  • Autoimmune thyroiditis. In this disease, the body’s immune system attacks and destroys the thyroid gland. This can be the case with Down syndrome or Turner syndrome, for example. In addition, Graves’ disease is also a common cause of hyperthyroidism in children.
  • Iodine deficiency in the diet. Iodine deficiency is the main cause of goiter worldwide. Iodine is necessary for the synthesis of hormones in the thyroid gland and ensures that the thyroid gland can function properly.

What are the symptoms of children who have goiter?

The symptoms and clinical manifestation of this disease depend on many factors. This includes the type of goiter and the causes that led to its formation. In addition, the age of the child at which the goiter appeared, physical characteristics, etc. also play a role.

When the thyroid gland is severely inflamed, the child often has difficulty swallowing and sometimes even chewing food. In addition, a goiter caused by an infection can cause fever, inflammation, and neck pain.

When a child has hypothyroidism, the most common symptoms are:

  • Growth retardation associated with short stature
  • Delaying puberty
  • Obesity
  • Loss of appetite
  • constipation
  • Dry skin and a tendency to freeze
  • Hair loss

On the other hand, if your child has hyperthyroidism, the most common symptoms are:

  • Rapid growth
  • Nervousness and irritability
  • Sleep and concentration disorders
  • High blood pressure
  • Increased appetite
  • Weight loss
  • diarrhea

Goiter - girl is examined on the thyroid gland

How is a goiter treated?

If your child has a goiter, treatment for the goiter and the symptoms that result from it must be administered and monitored by an endocrinologist. An anti-inflammatory drug is often prescribed at the start of treatment to reduce the inflammation of the thyroid gland and relieve any symptoms that may arise.

If you have hypothyroidism, your doctor will prescribe thyroid hormones for your child. The hormone levothyroxine is taken in the morning on an empty stomach.

In hyperthyroidism, the thyroid gland produces excessive amounts of thyroid hormones. In this case, the attending doctor will therefore prescribe thyreostatics, which are thyroid blockers, to your child. If this treatment is unsuccessful, surgery is usually required.

In addition, doctors treat hyperthyroidism in adult patients with radioactive iodine. But because the side effects of this treatment are unknown, children typically do not receive this drug.

In conclusion, we can say that goiter is a disease that manifests itself in different ways and can often appear in children. Therefore, if you notice any of the above symptoms in your child, you should see a pediatrician immediately.

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