Delicious Juices For Pregnant Women – 4 Great Recipes!

During pregnancy you can drink delicious juices in between meals or as an accompaniment to your meals. With very different recipes, everyone tastes different and can take on one of many bright colors. We picked out a couple of great options!
Delicious juices for pregnant women - 4 great recipes!

Good nutrition during pregnancy is almost like guaranteeing a healthy baby. In any case, delicious juices are always a good addition .

The need for nutrients is naturally greater in a pregnant woman. Therefore, a varied and balanced diet is particularly important in this phase. It is not about eating significantly more, but above all about the quality of the food. Delicious juices are always beneficial to this.

Juices are ideal for pregnant women because they  are a wonderful source of vitamins. They also alleviate fears and thereby regulate weight gain. And another good thing: juices donate a lot of energy and that also for your skin.

Green juices

You’ve probably heard of the numerous benefits of green juices for pregnant women, haven’t you? This is because green foods, i.e. fruits and vegetables, are rich in folic acid, iron and calcium. This, in turn, is essential for you during pregnancy. In one juice you can enjoy all of these good ingredients in a delicious way!

These vegetables can be combined with fresh fruits to create juices that contain many vitamins and antioxidants. 

Here are some delicious, quick, and healthy recipes:

1. Mango coconut juice

This goes into the mixer:

  • 1 glass of coconut water
  • 1/4 banana
  • 20 grams of watercress (a small stem)
  • 150 grams of ripe mango

This juice is mostly good for your digestion. In addition, it contains a lot of magnesium, fiber, calcium and also vitamins K and C. In addition, these ingredients are also good for the development of your baby’s immune system. As a result, both of you are doing something good for each other and the juice is also a pleasure!

delicious juices

Delicious juices

2. Rocket and peppermint juice

First you wash all the ingredients thoroughly. Then you put everything in the mixer for about 3 minutes on the highest level. At the end you have a juice in a particularly intense green.

  • The juice of a lemon
  • 1 cup of arugula
  • 15 large or medium-sized leaves of mint
  • 1 peeled cucumber
  • 1 cup of spinach leaves

This juice should be drunk on an empty stomach about 4 times a week. After that, the mother-to-be should wait half an hour before moving on to breakfast.

This green juice dehydrates, regulates sleep and strengthens your immune system. It is also rich in minerals such as tryptophan, vitamins and folic acid. Even if you take supplementary pregnancy vitamins, your body can always better absorb these substances from natural foods. 

3. Cabbage and apple juice

First you peel all the ingredients again. You should also wash them thoroughly beforehand. In principle, organically grown fruit and vegetables are highly recommended:

  • 1 teaspoon sliced ​​ginger
  • 1/2 apple, preferably green
  • 1 cup of water
  • The juice of half a lemon
  • 3 mint leaves
  • 1 tablespoon of flaxseed
  • 2 cabbage leaves without the stem

This juice is rich in antioxidants, omega 3 fatty acids, calcium, vitamin C and iron. That is why it is particularly good for the functioning of the memory and also a natural drive for the metabolism. It also contributes to the development of your baby’s nervous system. 

This juice also counteracts water retention and also protects your liver. However, it is important that you drink the juice right away. Storage, on the other hand, is not recommended. On the one hand, the nutrient density decreases over time and, on the other hand, you run the risk of it becoming incompatible.

Juices with a high fiber content

In addition to green juices, expectant mothers have other options to complement their meals. These include, for example, juices with a high proportion of fiber. These help to moderate the retention of water in the body and are also good for relieving constipation.

delicious juices

4. Pineapple juice


  • 1 small sprig of fresh parsley (with 5 or 6 leaves)
  • 1/4 cucumber (the peel can be removed or left)
  • 1 cup full of pineapple, cut into pieces
  • 150 ml of water
  • 1/2 teaspoon ginger (salted)
  • Half a prickly pear
  • Honey for sweetening according to taste

    First, you need to remove the peel from both the pineapple and the cactus fruit. With the cucumber, on the other hand, this is optional. Next you cut everything into pieces and then put the fruit in the blender with half a glass of water. Now you let the mixer puree until it has a nice, creamy consistency.

    As soon as you have a homogeneous mass, gradually add the parsley, the grated ginger and honey. How much you want to sweeten is up to you. Then the whole thing should be drunk immediately and not stored.

    The cucumber and cactus fruit are very good for relieving constipation. The combination of pineapple and parsley combines vitamins B6, B1 and C as well as folic acid. This is precisely what is important in pregnancy.

    Try it. We are sure that you too will love the combination of fruits and vegetables for delicious juices. This healthy drink will energize you and help you mitigate some of the potentially uncomfortable side effects of pregnancy.

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