Fear Of The Toilet

Children are often afraid of different things. They can also refuse to go to the bathroom and withhold their stool. Find out more about this topic today. 
Fear of the toilet

Fear of the toilet  is usually associated with indigestion, which in turn is often due to poor nutrition.

For example, there may be severe constipation (constipation) that causes the child to intentionally hold back the stool to avoid pain. However, this hardens the stool and makes the problem worse. 

Some children also refuse to go to the bathroom when they are in a strange place that they are not used to. They can therefore withhold their physiological needs spontaneously.

This can lead to constipation and harden your bowel movements. This in turn causes pain and the child gets into a vicious circle.

Fear of the toilet: possible causes

As mentioned earlier, the number one cause  of toilet anxiety  in children is constipation. But there are also other triggers, which we will briefly summarize below:

Too much meat and eggs in the diet

If the child gets too much protein through their diet, the stool can harden and cause discomfort during bowel movements.

The diet of young children should be supervised by an expert as it is essential for the little one’s  healthy growth and development. Eating a varied, healthy diet can prevent digestive problems.

Fear of the toilet due to lack of exercise

A lack of exercise in children not only leads to problems with bowel movements. It can also cause cardiovascular problems. Therefore, you should regularly do age-appropriate sports or physical activities with your offspring.

Nervous disorders due to excessive mental exertion

Especially at school age  , children are often stressed and under great pressure to perform. You have many tasks and activities and very little free time. This can also lead to changes in bowel habits.

Shame and fear of the toilet

Children are often ashamed to go to the bathroom in unfamiliar places. You don’t feel comfortable doing it or you refuse because the toilet is not that clean. They could also be watched by strangers, which can also lead to fear of the toilet.

Child is not afraid of the toilet

Not enough water

If the child does not drink enough water  , the stool will become firm and may be painful to pass. The exertion could also result in bleeding. Fearing that this situation could repeat itself, the child may develop fear of the toilet.

The stronger this fear, the greater the discomfort and discomfort. This is because the residues cannot be excreted from the body, which leads to increased problems.

Subsequent symptoms can include appendicitis, infections, fermentation in the intestines or pain in the bile ducts.

What to do if my child is afraid of the toilet

Fears are quite normal, especially in the first years of life. Nevertheless, they should not be underestimated!

If you refuse to use the toilet, you should definitely consult a specialist who can get to the bottom of the cause and initiate treatment if necessary. You can use it to prevent more serious secondary diseases.

Most of the time, fear of the toilet is due to pain and uncomfortable feelings. Initially, these reactions are natural and arise without the child being aware of the consequences. 

Parents must show great understanding when they refuse to use the toilet and support their child so that they can overcome this barrier. Instead of forcing your child, you should try to make them feel fearful. Get help from a specialist.


Talk to your child openly about their fears,  try to provide logical explanations and gain their trust. It should be able to express itself freely about its unrest and fears.

Having honest conversation allows you to come up with different strategies to help your child overcome their fear of the toilet. Your child should be part of the solution to take the pressure off them. 

Fear of the toilet

When the child feels that they are receiving support and understanding from their families, it is easier for them to put their fears off. They feel stronger and learn to face difficult situations.

This not only helps him in this situation, but also in other life situations that trigger conflicts and result in emotional insecurity.

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