All About Using A Breast Pump

Using a breast pump for the first time is not easy. A lack of practice can produce unsatisfactory results. Find out more about this helpful device below.
Everything about using a breast pump

These days, new mothers are using breast pumps more and more. There are several reasons a woman might choose to use a breast pump.

For some it is health reasons, while other mothers want to continue to feed their children with breast milk when they return to work.

However, the truth is that using the device is not always easy. Furthermore, prejudices can be associated with the use of a breast pump . A lot of practice is often required to learn how to use a breast pump successfully.

In this article, we’d like to give you some tips on how to use this device. We hope that they will help you and make extracting breast milk easier.

Which mothers need a breast pump?

Perhaps you’ve heard of the prejudices about bottle feeding too? However, we should take into account a few facts. For example, bottle feeding does not mean that the child will be harmed in any way.

We also know that breastfeeding has myriad benefits. However, breast milk is more important than breastfeeding itself. This means that even if a baby is not breastfed, it is still important that it receives its milk.

However, there are certain situations in which we are unable to breastfeed our child. There are many different reasons a mother and baby may become separated. Likewise, a mother may choose not to breastfeed.

In this sense, a mother who cannot or does not want to breastfeed can still feed her child with breast milk.

Expressing breast milk is also a good option for special circumstances. Expressed milk is useful when mother and child are separated.

Breast pumps are also helpful when it comes to donating breast milk for a baby in need. Breast pumps have been a valuable solution for over 150 years.

Not all women need to use a breast pump, even if they buy it with foresight. The use of a breast pump is often limited to the following mothers:

  • Those who return to work
  • Mothers of premature babies
  • Mothers of sick babies

However, every woman is of course free to use the device in any other context.

What does the use of a breast pump look like?

Using an electric breast pump can produce good results

Expressing milk with this device is not easy at first. A lack of practical experience often leads to unsatisfactory results in the first few attempts.

The extraction can be slow and inadequate. At the same time, using a breast pump can be uncomfortable for the mother. We recommend that you approach breast milk production with patience and practice a lot. In addition, you will find further aspects to consider below:

  • Try to find a quiet, stress-free environment before using a breast pump. You may know that being too loud or being around can prevent milk production.
  • The baby itself stimulates milk production. So try to have your baby around. Alternatively, you can use a photo, cuddly toy, or piece of clothing of your child.
  • Get a breast massage before you start expressing.
  • Be careful not to hurt yourself. Even if you are not extracting the amount of milk you are expecting. Because using a breast pump shouldn’t cause pain. If you feel uncomfortable, it is likely because you are not using the device properly.

When should you use the device?

When to use a breast pump and how often, it depends on the way you breastfeed. For example, if you are not breastfeeding at all, expressing should be more frequent. About three to four times a day.

If you use the breast pump alternately with breastfeeding, the extraction of breast milk should correspond to the breastfeeding rhythm. That is, if you are not with your baby but it is time to breastfeed, you should express your breast milk.

It is advisable to express your milk in the morning. At night, the breasts fill with milk, especially if the baby does not suck at night.

Using a breast pump is also helpful if the baby is only breastfeeding. The milk is stimulated during breastfeeding and you can take advantage of this by expressing the milk from the other breast.

How should the breast pump be cleaned and stored?

Use your breast pump alternately with breastfeeding

The breast pump does not come into contact with the baby, but it still needs to be disinfected. This will help keep the milk clean and safe. Furthermore, the device should be cleaned after it has come into contact with the chest.

Before using the breast pump, it is important that you clean your hands thoroughly. In the same way, you should also sterilize all the components of the breast pump to avoid contamination.

In some cases the devices are supplied with disposable bags. These can be filled directly with the breast pump. The milk obtained can also be filled into separate containers.

Cleaning the breast pump is the same as cleaning a baby bottle. Since the device has come into contact with milk, it must be sterilized. In this way, the spread of bacteria is prevented.

The milk that you make will need to be stored in the refrigerator or in the freezer, depending on how long you plan to keep the milk before using it.

If the milk is not to be used within the next 24 hours, the recommendation is to date the milk and then freeze it. All containers in which the milk is stored must also be sterilized.

We hope that the tips above will help you feed your child safely with breast milk. Even when you’re apart from your little one. Because with the use of a breast pump this is possible.

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