The Importance Of Taking Care Of The Baby When It Is Crying

Crying is the baby’s request for attention. That is why it is important to go to him when he cries.
The importance of taking care of the baby when he is crying

It is important to take care of a crying baby as this will positively contribute to the baby’s emotional development. Experts say that emotional intelligence is best developed from the connection made through contact and body heat.

The baby only has crying as a means of expression. Instinctively, the baby’s crying indicates that it feels like it is in danger. Therefore it “calls” its mother to tell her what it feels or wants:

  • hunger
  • cold
  • fatigue
  • pain
  • Discomfort
  • Desire for company

The benefits of paying attention to baby crying

Some people think that worrying about the baby when he cries can spoil the baby. However, this is an unfounded prejudice. If you let your baby cry for a long time, he or she will feel lonely and insecure.

How important it is to take care of the baby when he is crying

Recall that the baby comes out of the womb, a place where it had full-time shelter, warmth and comfort. Once in the outside world, the changes are hard to get used to. We need to take care of the baby when he is crying so that he can properly adapt to the world around him. The world is a hostile place.

A baby that has just emerged from the womb expects attention and well-being. Now that it is outside its mother’s body, it needs a similar feeling of security that it finds in the mother’s arms.

It is important to take care of the baby when he is crying so that he can become an emotionally well developed individual. This is confirmed by a recent study led by Darcia Narváez, professor of psychology at the University of Notre Dame in the USA.

Babies that are well cared for become people with better mental health, greater security and adaptability, and even higher and better productivity are observed. Narváez noted that “People who normally weren’t cared for when they cried as babies are more likely to respond to stress and find it more difficult to calm down.”

Obviously, human needs go beyond physical needs, so an individual needs affection and attention in order to grow healthily.

Babies who are not cared for when they cry often become individuals with marked feelings of abandonment and insecurity who are prone to anxiety and depression.

How important it is to take care of the baby when he is crying

Taking care of the baby when he is crying promotes good emotional development

Emotional care and physical contact promote your baby’s development. Crying shouldn’t be seen as a sign of bad manners, but as a wake-up call. At this early stage in life, the only way the baby can call for help is through tears. If we take care of it properly, the number of times the baby cries will gradually decrease.

Love guarantees your baby an emotional life and healthy relationships while also enabling them to form stable bonds.

A baby that is cared for will feel loved, safe, and happy. It’s important to know that whatever a mother can do for her baby today will pay off tomorrow.

Certainly, the love of our first needs as a human being and one of the cornerstones for a healthy life. It’s all a matter of paying attention and knowing how to distinguish our baby’s needs.

Knowing what the baby wants from us is fundamental to meeting his needs and thus helping him to develop properly. Although it takes time, patience will be our best ally. The most important thing is to take care of the baby when he is crying so that he can grow up healthy and happy.

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