7 Educational Fables For Children

Educational fables are a great way to get kids to think about their behavior. With stories we can empathize with the emotions of others by putting ourselves in the shoes of the protagonists.
7 educational fables for children

Educational fables and fairy tales are great ways to teach children how to read. Reading stories together supports language skills, reading comprehension, and creativity that are important for the child’s future.

Instructive fables with a moral are also a good source for conveying values ​​and for strengthening personality.

Why should one tell educational fables to children?

Fables are short stories, the characters of which are often animals or living objects with human characteristics. They are fun and engaging but also teach important life lessons through the characters’ attitudes and actions.

This makes educational fables an ideal way to teach children important lessons about values ​​and behavior. Telling lessons in the form of a story attracts children and helps them absorb and retain what they have learned.

Instructive fables convey values

7 educational fables for children

Storytelling is the oldest way of passing knowledge from one generation to the next. Today we have many instructive fables to keep our children entertained and to teach them about.

Here are 7 educational fables that are most relevant to our generation:

The mice and the cat

This amusing fable tells the story of a group of mice who want to free themselves from their enemy – the cat. Everyone had an idea but none was prepared to take the initiative. This story teaches children how easy it is to make a promise, but how difficult it is to keep a promise.

The ant and the grasshopper

With this short fable, you can help your child understand the value of hard work and effort. It tells the story of a little ant who works hard all summer to build a house.

During this time the grasshopper sings in the sunshine but regrets it very much when winter comes. This fable will make your child think about how to use their time effectively.

The tools

If your child has just started school, this fable is perfect. The main characters are different tools. Each of the tools sees the other’s weaknesses. 

When they realize how well they can still work together and produce a beautiful piece of furniture, the tools experience a change of heart. This fable shows children that each of their classmates is important and that each contributes to overall success in their own way.

The shepherd boy and the wolf

This fable is an excellent way to help your children resist lies. The fable tells the story of a shepherd boy who likes to frighten people by warning them of a fearsome wolf. People keep coming to help the boy drive away the supposed wolf.

One day a wolf really came. But this time nobody wanted to help the boy drive him away. Everyone thought it was just a trick again. This story teaches children that lying can have dire consequences.

The lion and the hare

This fable tells the story of a lion who has to make a difficult decision: he can either hunt a small hare or a large deer. However, he makes the wrong decision.

With this fable you can teach your children to be content with what they have. This educational fable is also about making smart decisions by weighing the risks.

Instructive fables often have animals as characters

The two frogs

This story is about two little frogs. In a hot summer, the lake they live in dries up and they go in search of another body of water.

One frog wants to jump straight into a deep well, but the other stops to think. If this well dries up, there will be no exit.

Such educational fables will make children “look before they leap” and think about the consequences of their actions.

The turtle and the hare

This ancient fable has taught generations of children not to make fun of others. It also shows us that being too proud of one’s abilities can lead to big mistakes.

The fable tells the story of a turtle who challenges a vain rabbit to a race. The rabbit is sure that he will defeat the slow turtle with ease, but he gets the lesson that you should never underestimate your opponents.

Educational fables are a great way to get kids to think about their behavior. With stories we can empathize with the emotions of others by putting ourselves in the shoes of the protagonists.

You can include such educational fables in the bedtime story to take full advantage of this powerful teaching tool.

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