Stimulating Children’s Creativity By Drawing: 7 Tips

Drawing is a wonderful activity to encourage a child’s creativity. Discover here how important creativity is for the development of children and how you can stimulate it. 
Stimulating children's creativity by drawing: 7 tips

The importance of encouraging children’s creativity  cannot be overstated. With it, children can find effective solutions to overcome difficulties, among other things.

Drawing is a wonderful tool  to stimulate children’s creativity  . We talk about this topic in today’s article. Read on to learn more about it. 

Promote children’s creativity through drawing

Professor Ángeles Gervilla defines creativity as the ability to create something new, regardless of whether it is a product, a technique or a way of focusing on reality. It is about the creative power that helps us in all situations.

Creativity is also fundamental in all areas of our modern life: at work, in training and also on a family and personal level. By encouraging children’s creativity, we achieve that children also react more flexibly to challenges and changes in their lives in adult life. 

In kindergarten and school, children start drawing at an early age. It is an excellent tool for more creativity, especially in the first few years of life. Children can use it to develop their personality and discover their surroundings. 

childlike creativity through drawing

9 tips to stimulate children’s creativity through drawing

  • Just give your child white paper and do  without coloring pages. It should be able to express itself freely in order to develop its imagination. Coloring pictures only give him the opportunity to choose the colors, which greatly limits the child’s creativity.
  • Encourage your child to draw things in fun ways that they fear or don’t like. 
  • Nature is a wonderful source of inspiration. Children usually very much like to draw natural elements, such as flowers or animals. Promote her artistic streak by letting her draw funny fantasy animals that look very different from nature. 
  • Make up stories and draw the main characters on paper. You can also write a story with little text and make the illustrations for it. Children have keen imaginations and quickly know how to draw the story.
  • Use traditional festivals so that children can use drawings to capture what they have experienced and what they think about it.
  • Comics are also great for telling a short story. In this way your child develops language skills and can also let their creativity run free.

Draw and play with the whole family

Stimulate children’s creativity by playing with the family. With it you can create a pleasant and relaxed family atmosphere, strengthen the bond and you will have a lot of fun. Try the following games:

  • Crease: folds a piece of paper into strips. Then each family member draws a certain part of the body on the corresponding strip:  head, shoulders, stomach, legs, feet. The paper is always passed on in such a way that the others cannot see the drawing. The result will make you all laugh!
  • Draw cool masks, cut them out,  and then dress up!

Encourage children's creativity through drawing

Drawing is much more than just a pastime in childhood. This  promotes children’s creativity and improves fine motor skills. But this fun activity has many other benefits for the child’s personal and mental development.

Among other things, it learns to express its feelings. Children can express worries, frustration, wishes and joy through drawing. But the world of their ideas makes them particularly happy.

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