Meeting At Eye Level Is Very Important For Your Child!

If you get down on your knees to talk to your child at eye level, you can achieve many positive things. Learn more about it!
Meeting at eye level is very important for your child!

It is known that Prince William and his wife Duchess Catherine have a habit that attracts the attention of many: they go to the eye level of  their son George when they talk to him.

Even in public, and although the Queen of England remembers the protocol, they have made it a habit. Both bend their knees to talk to their children at eye level .

Even during Barack Obama’s visit to England, the American President never doubted going down on his knees to address little George.

Many see this as a lack of respect for the venerable institutions, because the strict protocol for British royals does not provide for such exceptions.

But this is how the Dukes of Cambridge show their respect for their children. It is well known that they value a good upbringing based on mutual respect. 

Little George, for example, also goes to a Montessori school. But what we are particularly interested in today is the advantages of being at eye level with the child. This is a great way to practice active listening, and that’s what today’s article is about.

Conversation at eye level with little George

Active listening at eye level with the child

We think for a moment about what the life of a five-year-old is like. It is already quite independent and no longer dependent on the arms of its parents. Because it can run by itself and do a lot of things. 

But with that it also loses a certain closeness to its parents. When talking to you or other adults, it has to look up. It has to tug on the pants or on the sleeve to get our attention. This can often be frustrating.

But if you get down on your knees to talk to your child at eye level, this situation changes and you can achieve many positive things with it. Learn more about it!

All the attention to the child

If you put yourself in your child’s shoes,  you can imagine that they will feel wonderful when they suddenly get the undivided attention of their mother or father.

They feel close to their parents, have confidence and can speak openly and honestly with their parents.

Communication at eye level

  • When you talk to each other on an equal footing, there are no power differences and no fear. We can be honest and speak openly about everything. The child knows that they are loved and understood by their parents. It’s a wonderful feeling for the little one.

    Up to the age of 12, children find themselves in a different sensory world

    The idea of ​​“active listening” does not come from the field of education. It was coined by Carl Rogers in humanistic psychology in the 1960s. It was later taken up by other writers who turned it into an efficient strategy for parents.

    • Many psychologists  speak in favor of active listening as a way of life. It is a sign of closeness and recognition of the interlocutor.
    • If children are used to it from an early age, they can benefit greatly from it.
    • One must not forget that they live in a different sensory world until they are 12 years old. 
    • It is important for children to feel close to their caregivers. It is not enough to shake hands with them or to sit next to them.
    • You need a lot of attention. It’s not just about positive reinforcement. This is why active listening is the best tool for building an intimate bond in the first 12 years of life. 

    Mother and son on the beach

    Active listening at eye level and within limits

    What many mistakenly criticize about the Dukes of Cambridge is that they spoil their children as they constantly get their parents’ attention, even at public events.

    • But active listening at eye level has nothing to do with pampering or a permissive upbringing. This ensures that children obey rules and adhere to boundaries. A child needs to know what is allowed and what is not.
    • Knowing the rules gives him confidence and security. If they also have the opportunity  to communicate with their parents on an equal footing at any time, they  can learn to think about things and act more responsibly and sensitively.

    Let us now think about how little George will remember his royal parents, who listened attentively to him in every situation at eye level. In these moments only he himself is important, his feelings and his worries. 

    It is a wonderful gift that will accompany him all his life.

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