I Show You My Love Through Actions, Not Words

These gestures, these acts of love that come so naturally, that flow so easily from me, will be our language of love. 
I show you my love through actions, not words

Actions speak louder than words, that’s an old saying. Time goes by, but this saying is still true. Therefore, I show you my love through actions, not words.

Surely it is my job to teach you many things so that you can become a better person.

At the same time, I want to create the best possible future for my child. As I do this, I want to make sure that I give you love and that you feel loved.

So one of the things I want to teach you is my love for you. It is one thing to say something, quite another to do something. Therefore I want to demonstrate my love to you many times.

I don’t want to make big speeches, I want to follow my words with deeds when I educate you, take care of you and take care of you.

In silence I show you the depth of my love for you. Each of my actions will prove my devotion to you. I will make sure that not a day goes by that you do not feel loved.

I show you my love through actions, not words

my love through deeds and not through words - my_love_by_deeds_and_not_by_words-2My dear child, there are actions and gestures that mean so much more than you think. They speak for themselves, louder than any word could.

There is no need to put these silent deeds into words, for they speak for themselves. And they also nurture the souls of those for whom they are intended.

I’ll show you how deep my love is for you every night I stay up to take care of you. I’m always there to change your diapers , find your pacifier or prepare your bottle.

I will be awake and attentive. A mother’s sleepless hours are proportional to the love she has for her child.

I show you the immense importance of my love with every patient minute, even when my soul is already exhausted. When we play, when you are sick or you need my protection.

Through stories and lullabies. In the courage and determination with which I watch over your well-being every day.

You will find a bottomless bottle of maternal love when you are in my presence – in good times and bad.

There will even be times when you think you don’t deserve my love, but it will be there.

You will know that I love you even when you make mistakes. Or when you are angry or sad, I show you my love through deeds and not through words.

I hope that one day the smell of freshly washed laundry or a homemade meal will remind you of me. If life worries you, I hope that you will come to me.

I will always be there for a hug or words of encouragement. If you have something to celebrate, I’ll celebrate with you.

I’ll give you all I have

meine Liebe durch Taten und nicht durch Worte - meine_Liebe_durch_Taten_und_nicht_durch_Worte

It will be my passion to give you everything I own without ever expecting anything in return. I promise to be generous and make every sacrifice to ensure your well-being.

My arms will be your refuge when the selfishness and hostility of the world weigh you down. I know life can be cruel, but I’ll be there for you. By a kiss, a look, a hand on your shoulder, a warm hug.

Silent gestures will be my language to build you up and give you security. And when you are grown up and independent, you will always remember me fondly.

I trust in you so that you can trust yourself. You can appreciate yourself because I value you above everything. I show you my love through actions, not words.

If you need someone to share your secrets I will be there for you. 

Should you ever need a few wise words, I am ready to share them with you. And I’ll know when all you need is a simple kiss

My greatest gift to you will be my time, attention and trust.

I show you my love through deeds and not through words and even in my silence you will hear my love clearly and distinctly.

These gestures, these acts of love that come so naturally, that flow so easily from me, will be our language of love.

And then you will understand that my heart overflows with joy and happiness when I see you.

I fight every day for your present and your future. My motherly love for you gives you wings so that you can fly as high as you want.

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