My Arms Are Your Home, No Matter How Old You Are

Waking up in the arms of a mom or dad improves a child’s development.
My arms are your home no matter how old you are

It doesn’t matter if you are 3 months, 3 years or 30 years old. My arms are your home The home where you can grow, feel loved, valued and protected.

This part of my body will always be there every time you need a pillow to rest your head and forget about your problems.

My arms are your home every time you need that love and affection that everyone needs, even when they grow up.

Surely someone has said to you more than once in your daily life don’t get your baby used to being held all the time or they will become a spoiled child”. 

When you hear this phrase that seems to be everyone’s favorite, you wonder if it isn’t better to leave your child alone. Sitting in his little bed or his stroller, staring at the wall or the sky where nothing happens and nobody talks to him.

Of course, everything has to have its limits and stay in balance. But contrary to what we believe, babies are destined to spend the first part of their lives in their mother’s arms. 

Nothing brings more benefits or stimulation. The parent’s chest and arms are the perfect place for babies to find constant security and stimulation. This is exactly what your growing brain needs.

Babies are destined to spend the first part of their life in their mother’s arms

Furthermore, we want to give you a detail to think about. There are studies that show that the emotional behavior of children who grew up in an orphanage is often so weak that it is traumatic.

The majority of these children suffer from disorder when it comes to socializing with others. In fact, it has even been observed that babies in poorer orphanages even stop crying completely.

These babies have gotten to a point in their short lives where they have realized that crying won’t help them.

It has nothing to do with whether or not they are well fed. What they really want is to be held, cuddled, cradled and comforted.

When this is missing,  children begin to develop certain deficits. These unmet needs lead to a number of consequences:  low self-confidence, attention disorders, slower mental development, …

My arms are your home to make you strong

My arms are your home

In the face of these sad situations of abandoned children in certain orphanages in Asia or Africa  , we are all much more aware of the importance of strong and healthy relationships with our children. 

This bond is essential and it is something that you need to maintain, especially in the first three years of your child’s life.

This time is a key time in psychomotor, emotional and social development as well as in brain development.

For this reason, it is a good idea to follow the basic principles of raising in loving arms. The benefits and overall impact this parenting method has on your children is amazing.

Waking up in the arms of a mom or dad improves a child’s development

A child’s natural posture is with their back curved into a C. This is how your children are positioned in your stomach. This is also the most comfortable position for them in the first few months of life.

  • Whether you are carrying your baby in a carrier or in your arms,  his knees should always be above his buttocks, in a “frog” position. 
  • Constant interaction while you hold your baby in your arms promotes his or her social, emotional and communicative development. Your baby will respond to laughter, words, and affection.
  • Carrying your baby in your arms also reduces his or her colic. It also reduces reflux.
  • Also, keep in mind that babies who just lie around all day can develop plagiocephaly (a flattening of the back of the head).

My arms are your home - my_arms_are_your_home

My arms are your home no matter how old you are

As you know,  children grow very quickly. Yesterday your little one was still sleeping on your chest and you were walking through the park with him in your arms.

Today he’s already going to school, sitting in the front seat in the car and planning his first vacation with his friends.

All of this is good and positive, and it is what all mothers and fathers hope for: that their children are free, strong, grown up and independent; able to make themselves and others happy.

At the same time, remember that nobody is too old to hug.

A mom’s or dad’s hug have no expiration date. They should be available for these everyday moments as well as for those moments when they are really needed.

They are a way to return home, a wonderful way to remind your child how much you love them. Show him how important it is and how proud you are of what he has become.

So please don’t pay attention if someone tells you your child will be spoiled if you hold them in your arms often. The truth is, if you withhold that daily affection from your child, you are robbing them of something they desperately need.

Raising a child is not just about taking care of their physical well-being. It is also about taking care of your emotions and your soul, your thoughts and your heart.

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