Diseases For Which Children Do Not Need Medication

What is important here is the answer to the question whether the disease was caused by viruses or bacteria. Get advice from your pediatrician!
Diseases for which children do not need medication

As your child grows up, they come into contact with various diseases. Medicine from the pharmacy is not always necessary. There are also diseases for which children do not need medication. 

If their immune systems are working properly, they can fight off these diseases on their own. However, you should always seek advice from your pediatrician! 

Children with healthy defenses can fight most common diseases on their own. In many cases, antibiotics are not necessary because they often treat the symptoms, not the disease itself.

Common viral infections usually do not require pharmaceutical treatment. Antibiotics are not necessary in this case.

As a rule, the flu is one of the illnesses for which children do not need medication. But flu can also be serious! Symptoms such as high fever, dry cough and general malaise become noticeable.

If the doctor deems it necessary, you can have your child vaccinated, but be aware that the strains of flu change every year and that the vaccination must therefore be refreshed again and again.

For example, if your child has a chronic condition like asthma, you should have them vaccinated every year. Your doctor can advise you accordingly.

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Even if you get your child vaccinated against the flu, they can catch a cold.  However, don’t forget that antibiotics won’t help in this case.

However, they can be used if there are complications such as pneumonia.

Although antipyretic drugs lower the fever and relieve pain, it does not cure the disease itself. A healthy immune system will help the child cope with this.

However, one should not confuse a common cold with the flu. For colds usually occur mucus, nasal congestion, cough and sometimes fever.

The mucus is usually watery, then develops white, yellow, green and viscous and finally dry. This is a normal process of the common cold. Then the child is healed.

It is a viral disease for which there is no vaccine. Antibiotics also make no sense here. 

By misusing these drugs, the pathogens develop resistance. In addition, antibiotics can lead to undesirable side effects. 

If your child has a fever, you can give them an antipyretic. If they have a strong cough and cannot sleep: give them cough syrup. Remember, however, that the purpose of the cough is to expel phlegm.

Nasal sprays are not recommended for children under 12 years of age.

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Expectorants, cough suppressants or antihistamines (for allergies) can partially alleviate the symptoms, but actually the child only needs time for their own immune system to work.

Vitamin C and natural products can also promote well-being in some cases, but they do not cure the disease.

There are diseases for which children do not need medication

Acute otitis media can be caused by viruses or bacteria and has been treated with antibiotics for decades.

Quite often, doctors diagnose otitis media if the child has a fever but no other visible symptoms.

Various medical studies have found that treating otitis media is practically useless.  This does not shorten the course of the disease and does not relieve the pain. The treatment also has no positive impact on hearing.

Treatment is appropriate for children under the age of two with a high fever, poor health, bilateral otitis media, or long-term illnesses.

Pharyngitis is an inflammation of the throat that causes pain in the throat, especially when swallowing.

In many cases it is caused by a virus and antibiotics are useless.

Penicillin is often given for bacterial throat infections (caused by strep throat) to prevent rheumatic fever, a rare but serious complication.

Streptococci usually cause a fever above 38.5 ° C but not a cough or phlegm.

In comparison, a sore throat, along with a cough, runny nose and a slightly elevated temperature, are almost always triggered by a viral infection.

In this case, we are talking about a disease for which children do not need medication.

Penicillin isn’t there to cure tonsillitis. It is used to prevent rheumatic fever. Antibiotics do not cure tonsillitis any faster.

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