The Ideal Sleeping Position For Your Baby

Parents often try different positions to get their baby to sleep quickly and get them restful sleep. In this article, we’ll look at the ideal sleeping position to get your baby to sleep.
The ideal sleeping position for your baby

Your baby will prefer one or the other sleeping position. You will quickly notice this.

The solution: combine comfort with security

The more comfortable your baby is, the less he will move back and forth in sleep and try to change his position.

It is also important that you feel comfortable as a mother so that you are not constantly overtired trying to get your child to sleep.

The key to success for both of you is a combination of comfort and security. Little by little, you will find that both you and your baby can adapt quickly if you pay attention to these aspects.

So what’s the ideal sleeping position to get your baby to sleep?

On your back: the ideal sleeping position

Laying babies to sleep lying on their back has always been one of the most popular ways to get them to sleep. 

Although this position was rather unpopular with parents for a while, it  is now one of the most recommended sleeping positions by pediatricians. This is the ideal sleeping position for babies.

Today we know that this is one of the safest sleeping positions should a child spit at night. Since the child lies horizontally, their mouth is completely uncovered and can completely expel liquids.

When your baby is on their back, they have a much larger field of vision. This means that they can observe you, move and kick your feet, and thus react to their impressions.

Your baby will be more comfortable in this position. It can stretch its arms and touch whatever it wants. But be careful:  if you use this position too often, it can lead to the formation of a flat back of the head. 

Sleeping position

Other possible sleeping positions

On the website

Another way to put your kids to sleep is by lying on their side. Babies feel comfortable in this position and can easily get rid of any vomit without the risk of choking or choking.

Lying on their side, infants also have the ability to move around and look around as soon as they wake up. In addition, babies will not feel crushed in this position in warm weather.

According to some experts, this sleeping position is reminiscent of the fetal position that babies assumed in the womb and why they feel so comfortable in this position.

Be weighed

There are many babies who can only fall asleep if their mother holds them in her arms. Most often, mothers hold their babies face up in their arms and rock them gently back and forth.

In this position, you can hold your cheek to the baby’s head and whisper to him until he falls asleep. This sleeping position is warm and cozy and strengthens the bond between the two of you. The only risk is that the baby could get too used to this position.

We should keep in mind that sooner or later babies will have to learn to fall asleep on their own. If you always rock your child to sleep, you are doing them no favors in the long run.

Some parents also put their child in a cradle, buggy, or even in a special hammock that gently rocks the child until they close their eyes. This is a great technique, but it should be used in moderation.

These positions are helpful in getting babies to sleep – especially as they strengthen the bond between mother and child. The baby feels close to the mother, just like in the womb. 

Sleeping position

Other positions

  • In your arm, face up, as you cuddle, kiss, and watch him sleep
  • On your chest Your baby will be stable and you can keep an eye on him.
  • Leaning against you What this means is that they lean their head on your shoulder, which supports their body weight. This is another ideal sleeping position for your baby.
  • Lying on your back on your lap with your head on your knees. It’s best to put a duvet or bedspread under his head so that your baby feels comfortable.

What about lying on your stomach?

Nowadays, lying on your stomach is not recommended for infants while they are under one year old. 

Even so, some parents feel that despite their best efforts, they cannot stop their baby from turning into this position on its own while it sleeps. Some parents even find their child sleeping face down – their head turned on their side.

Sleeping face down is considered the most unsuitable sleeping position as it is associated with a fear of increased risk of sudden infant death. 

For this reason, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that babies sleep on their stomachs only under supervision.

Sleeping face down strengthens the baby’s muscles and helps them keep their heads upright and helps them develop fine motor skills later on. But if your baby sleeps alone, this sleeping position is better avoided.

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