This Short Film Will Show You How Important It Is To Listen To Our Children

Have you ever thought about all that our children can teach us?
This short film will show you the importance of listening to our children

“The Moon” is a wonderful short film by Pixar that shows us the importance of listening to our children. He teaches us to understand that every child is able and able to find their way through a world full of stars within their reach.

Don’t hesitate to share these five minutes of audiovisual animation with the little ones in the house. What has captivated us most since the beginning of this short film are the eyes of the protagonist child. His gaze has the shape and brightness of a moon, full of dreams, full of hope and incredible things to teach his own family.

“The Moon” was released in 2011 for the presentation of the animated film “Merida – Legend of the Highlands”. Its creator, Enrico Casarosa, wanted to convey how a “ bambino ” can show his small family that he can be just as responsible at work as they are. In addition, through their innocent but creative thoughts, children manage to teach us many things. Incredible things. It is important to listen to our  children .

“The Moon”, the short film about a family with a very special task

In your role as a mother or a father , you certainly do not hesitate  to lead your children and teach them things from your own experiences. We teach them to cross the street and respect nature. We teach them how to plant a seed and how the moon orbits the earth and the earth orbits the sun.

The importance of listening to children - bambino solves the problemWell … have you ever thought about all that our children can teach us? Some people have the misconception that adults “already know everything” and that a child’s mind and brain are only willing to receive information, not to provide it. That is not true. The magic, plasticity of a child and free thinking that is full of possibilities is something we should listen to every day.

“The Moon” is an extraordinary short film that shows us all these little details and shows how important it is to listen to our children.

Introduction to family business

Our short film begins with a very special rite of passage. We get to know the bambino’s family , the father and the grandfather, who, like every day, go on a quiet boat trip to a very specific place. This time she is accompanied by the little son of the house, because the moment has finally come when he too should learn the trade.

They even offer him an old sailor hat because he’s already part of their team. He is one of the brave men on this expedition who has a very special task every day. You have to rid the moon of all the stars that cover it at night.

The Importance of Listening to Our Children – Everything a child can teach us

At some point, however, dad and grandpa have a little problem while at work. They find a star so big that they don’t know exactly how to remove it from the surface of the moon. Now brooms are useless, and all those techniques that have been used from generation to generation.

Our wonderful  bambino does not hesitate to climb this star. He’s like the little prince who explores his little planet, has ideas, and draws plans in his head. Like any child, he is free and full of possibilities.

The grandfather and the father do not think that the little one can get them out of their little troubles. As well as? They are the experts who have been doing this serious job for decades. But to the amazement of the adults, the bambino succeeds .

  • Children often use this different way of thinking that we as adults sometimes miss. It’s about lateral thinking, and about seeing reality less rigidly and from different creative perspectives.
  • As adults we have experience, but we shouldn’t lose the magic of that inner child. The child who is able to see reality from a wider perspective and full of possibilities.
  • Children can teach us a lot. Because they are a new generation, because childhood is not a lack of skills, it is full of opportunities that parents should support by trusting and listening to their children.

Life will always go on with the children because they have the opportunity to create a much better world. Provided we can create the right environment and, above all, respect and promote all of their dreams, skills and talents.

Every child is unique and extraordinary. They all have their own moon in their eyes. They all have a need to be listened to and trusted so that they can reach each of these stars that life hides for each of them.  Don’t forget to listen to your kids and don’t hesitate to enjoy this wonderful Pixar short film with your kids. “The Moon”.

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