Mothers Need More Sleep

Recent studies have shown that getting more sleep is critical to health. Despite our tight schedules and busy life as mothers, the truth is that getting enough sleep and rest is important.
Mothers need more sleep

Getting More Sleep : How Do You See It? As a luxury or a necessity? Because of the multitude of tasks and things to do throughout the day, mothers see sleeping as a great luxury that they cannot have. You might even consider it a waste of your precious time.

What do you think? Do you really believe that getting more sleep will help you be a better mom?

Why is it beneficial to get more hours of sleep?

Recent studies have shown that getting more sleep is critical to health. Despite our tight schedules and busy life as mothers, the truth is that getting enough sleep and rest is important.

Restful sleep enables our bodies to metabolize free radicals, thus preventing premature aging and even cancer.

Conversely, when we don’t get enough sleep, the production of leukocytes and the hormone cortisol is reduced, making us more susceptible to infectious diseases and even cardiovascular diseases.

It may also be that people who sleep more are less likely to be overweight because the body secretes a hormone when they sleep that signals the brain that the body has eaten enough. This way unnecessary feasts are avoided.

We must also mention the pleasant and content state that comes after a long night. Not only will our health benefit from it, but our family and friends will appreciate it too.

Why? Because we will have a good sense of humor, which will make it easier for us to start our busy everyday lives as mothers.

4 great benefits of getting more sleep

  • Prevents obesity
  • Helps in the prevention of infectious diseases
  • Fights diseases like diabetes
  • Helps to have a solid constitution and a positive mood

Mothers need more sleep

Why do mothers in particular need more sleep?

With the arrival of the first child home, a mother’s sleep and rest times are drastically impaired, with the result that she cannot sleep more than necessary or less than that.

Needless to say, mothers do a lot of work in and out of the home, which logically leaves them exhausted and tired physically, mentally, and emotionally.

There are many moments in the night when they need to wake up to breastfeed, or just to make sure the little one is okay, resulting in constant interruption of rest.

How to sleep more and better

  1. Stop smoking. Aside from the dangers to children, smoking is detrimental to rest times as many smokers experience withdrawal symptoms at night.
  2. Avoid doing tasks that require a lot of mental exertion before bed. If we do these types of tasks instead of getting more sleep, we get the opposite effect, as it prevents us from relaxing and falling asleep.
  3. Try to sleep in the dark, quietly, and at the right temperature. It has been proven that the right temperature and light promote a good recovery.
  4. Avoid stimulants like coffee, tea, or alcohol just before bed. Alcohol will not calm us down because it contributes to insomnia at night.

As we have said in this article, we need to give more importance to sleep and not see it as something we cannot achieve just because we are mothers, quite the opposite.

Just as we need to take care of ourselves and take good care of our bodies, we need to treat the well-deserved rest with the same respect.

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