Checklist For The Clinic Bag For Childbirth

As the due date approaches, it is time to check the checklist for the clinic bag so as not to forget anything on this important day.
Checklist for the clinic bag for childbirth

As the due date approaches, it is time to check the checklist  for the clinic bag so  as not to forget anything on this important day. Since you cannot plan the child’s exact birthday in advance, it is best to prepare everything well in advance.

In the eighth month of pregnancy you should start preparing your bag or suitcase. This way you still have time to get things done if necessary, even if your baby arrives a little earlier than expected.

Checklist for the clinic bag

If it is a normal birth without complications, the mother and child will be in the hospital for between 2 and 4 days. For a caesarean section, the hospital stay lasts an average of five days. 

So you have to prepare the clinic bag in such a way that nothing is missing during these days. Don’t forget to pack the following items:

  • Cosmetic bag with all things for your personal hygiene: Shampoo, soap, cream, toothpaste and toothbrush, deodorant, hairbrush, etc. Also, puerperium pads are important, which should have a high absorption capacity.
  • Make-up and a small mirror are also useful in  making you feel pretty when you receive visitors during this time.
  • Of course, you also need clothing for your hospital stay: one or two nightgowns that should be as comfortable as possible and also be suitable for breastfeeding. It is therefore best to open them at the front. You will also need comfortable slippers, a dressing gown, and socks. Don’t forget to bring hair ties and perfume with you.
  • For the day you and your newborn leave the clinic, you need loose clothing and comfortable shoes. Clothes that fit you in the third or fourth month of pregnancy are best. It takes time for the body to recover from the rigors of pregnancy and get back in shape.
  • Don’t forget your underwear! You may be able to take disposable underwear from the pharmacy with you. Don’t forget to buy at least two nursing bras.

what do i need for the clinic bag?

  • You will also need breast pads to catch any milk that  may leak out.
  • Relaxing books, music or a diary are also recommended. Decide for yourself what you like best.

Clinic bag checklist: what do I need for my baby?

  • Pajamas and rompers:  You need three to four of them with long sleeves. It’s best to take two different sizes with you, even if you know the approximate size of your child.
  • Don’t forget to pack a bib. 
  • Of course, diapers for newborns are also very important. Two packages are enough. Usually you get the diapers in the hospital, but it is still good to be prepared for anything.
  • Also bring a blanket to cover your child while they are being held. You will also need a small hat and socks for your little one.
  • In addition, you should not forget the hygiene products for your newborn:  wet wipes, gentle baby soap, ointment for possible skin irritation, baby perfume, etc. 
  • Also bring baby clothes for the last day that are appropriate for the time of year.

Important documents for the clinic bag

  1. Identity card
  2. Health insurance or private insurance health card 
  3. Records of medical examinations carried out during pregnancy
  4. Birth plan in which you record your wishes for the birth. Usually this is worked out around the 30th week of pregnancy together with the obstetrician or midwife. It says whether you would like a companion, whether you give consent for epidural anesthesia, what wishes you have in connection with breastfeeding, etc. 

Baby clothes for the clinic bag

Other Recommendations

Prepare a separate bag for your and your baby’s belongings. In addition, you should organize all documents in a folder. If the birth occurs earlier than planned, someone can easily bring you the documents and the packed clinic bag.

Only pack things that are really necessary. You don’t need the whole wardrobe and you can have something brought to you at any time. But don’t forget your cell phone, because you will receive many congratulations and you will certainly want to take photos yourself.

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