Pool With Baby – You Should Have These 11 Things With You!

Pool with baby – before you start, you should make a list of useful things for it. It is important to know what is really needed and what can be left at home. 
Pool with baby - you should have these 11 things with you!

If you visit the pool with a baby, a list of things to pack will make the sunny day easier and more beautiful!

When you leave the house with your child, you will need a few items that will help meet their basic needs outside of the home. And then there are other things that are very helpful at the pool with a baby.

You usually don’t have to buy anything extra for this. Most of what you need you already have at home. So you can also avoid spending a lot of money unnecessarily, especially if the vacation is booked well in advance. 

If you take too many things with you, you have to lug around more and that is exhausting. More things lead to more worry. You have to make wise decisions about what will be really useful.

These are some factors that are important when packing for the pool with a baby : The age of your child plays a role, what time of day it is, where you are going, how you get there and how long you are away from home .

At the pool with a baby – you should have this with you:

1. Sunscreen

Sunscreen is essential and should always be with you. That’s the first thing to pack. Protecting your child’s delicate skin is an absolute necessity. It may be that a cream specially developed for babies and children is required for this. That in turn depends a bit on the age of your child.

A baby can only be exposed to direct sun after 6 months. That’s what experts say. Therefore, you should apply a cream with SPF 40 every 2 hours. Or if you notice that it is already completely drawn in or rubbed off. Of course, a lot comes off in the pool or water itself.

2. hat

To protect your child’s head from the sun, a hat is best. This should be made of cotton.

We remember: a child’s head is still very sensitive up to the age of 2. Since children do not yet sweat so much, wearing a hat is also less uncomfortable.

3. Water wings

Children can go to the pool with their parents or other supervisors. An important safety measure is putting on armbands. These should match the age and size of the child. 

Pool with baby

4. Toys

Babies don’t always want to be in the water. This is why it is important that you pack some toys. If you are playing with a ball, your time should be limited. When children are young, they have no control over themselves and can easily fall into the pool trying to find the lost ball. 

You can easily take the same toys that you used at home with you. Your child is used to that. The only thing to watch out for at the pool with a baby: The toy should be made of plastic.

5. Towels

A day at the pool with a baby is probably not feasible without towels. We recommend taking at least 2 with you. 

One is to dry off and another can serve as a mat when playing on the floor.

6. Drinking water

Water is essential on a sunny day by the pool with baby. You two are exposed to the sun and you will sweat. You should make sure that your baby is drinking enough preventively. Preferably at regular intervals so that you avoid becoming dehydrated. Water is also healthier than any soda or the like.

7. Eat

Your baby’s bottle should also be with you. But you should only touch the whole thing when your baby wants to drink. Otherwise, the milk can easily go bad in the heat. It’s best to sterilize the whole thing at home.

Cereals, a few cookies, and fruits are also good ways to keep your little one fit. 

8. Clean clothes

You should bring a layer of change of clothes with you. After bathing in the pool, things should be changed as they are wet and maybe also dirty. The children should come home clean and dry. So you will arrive home in a good mood and relaxed.

9. Bathing suits

It is best for a girl to bring a one-piece rather than a bikini. This means that more skin is protected from the sun. In addition, it is more comfortable to wear because it slips less. 

Alternatively, you can use swimsuits for both girls and boys. These protect from the sun and can be worn in the water.

10. A refreshing lotion

Once your relaxing day is over, you should apply a refreshing and moisturizing lotion to your child. That will do him good, because the chemicals in the pool and the sun’s rays are stressful to the skin. Your child will love the fresh and cooling feeling too.

Pool with babies

11. Inflatable paddling pool

With a baby under 6 months, it is best to take a small one to the large pool to inflate. This means that your baby can get used to water safely and without fear. Of course you are always there.

As mentioned earlier, the list of things to take with you is based on the age of your child. One guideline can be that protection and fun should be balanced.

With all of these important things going, you’ll have a great time together by the pool. With the list at hand, organizing will be easier for you and you will surely be able to walk more often.

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