The OPOL Method: Raising Children In Two Languages ​​

The OPOL approach is a method of bilingual upbringing in which each parent communicates with their child in their own (mother) language. For more information on this method, check out our article today.
The OPOL method: raising children in two languages

OPOL, which in English for “one person, one language” is so ” one parent, one language”, is an approach that interacts in which each parent with his children in another language. The OPOL method enables children to practice both languages ​​frequently and naturally. This allows children to learn two languages ​​at the same time very quickly.

Characteristics of children raised bilingually

Learning a second language may seem complex, but it doesn’t have to be. If the right techniques are used while the children are in the midst of their development, teaching a second language can be quite easy.

In an interview in the Spanish newspaper El Mundo published, went Jill Stribling, director and founder of English for Fun, the problem one. She explained that while it is ideal to learn two languages ​​at the same time, it is also possible to learn a second language later.

According to Stribling, people in countries like Holland and Belgium speak two languages ​​at the same time. In addition , bilingualism there usually begins at a very young age. She added, “Bilingual children tend to be more creative, their brains develop differently, and they have higher self-esteem.”

However, Jill Stribling also pointed out that forcing an answer in a particular language can block children’s learning. She therefore recommends parents to be patient and give children the time they need to study.

How do I use the OPOL method on children?

Day care centers and preschools are ideal places for children to learn a second language. Therefore, the application of the OPOL approach can be effective here. You can also request this from the person responsible for looking after your child.

Here are some guidelines to keep in mind as you start using the OPOL method:

Access videos and songs

To get started with the OPOL method, you should use videos, songs, and even children’s programs in the target language. This way the children can recognize the language from an early age. This will also help them identify different accents.

With the OPOL method, it is helpful to use videos and songs in the target language

The OPOL method: Use both languages ​​throughout the day

In order to correctly apply the OPOL approach to bilingual education, parents should expose their children to both languages ​​equally. The exact calculation of the use of each language is, of course, complicated. However, parents should aim to use the second language at least 30% of the time, or at least 5 hours a day.

The importance of context

It is important that children learn to relate a particular environment or person to one of the languages. This way, your brain can tell when to focus on each of your languages.

The OPOL method: apply the routines correctly

Routines are often required to learn a new language. For this reason, parents should make sure that their children use their second language regularly. You should therefore not suspend the second language for more than two days.

Remember that children study every day. For this reason, it is important to strengthen learning through daily tasks and various activities.

Activities to solidify the language

El Mundo newspaper recommends some techniques that parents can use to make language learning faster and more effective. Here are some of their recommendations:

  • With the modern options of language switching , it is much easier for children to see programs in different languages. This is extremely beneficial at this stage.
  • Watch films in the target language. This strengthens the language and helps children recognize it faster.
  • Read books in the target language. Parents can use different books depending on the age of their children. Audiobooks are also very effective at doing this.

When you follow the OPOL method, it helps to read books to your children in the target language

  • Performing fun and simple activities. In terms of what children learn in school, parents can also do activities at home. For example, if a child is learning colors at school, parents can reinforce that learning at home through games.
  • If each parent speaks to their child in only one language, the child will get used to both languages ​​much faster.
  • Download kid-friendly apps in the target language for your kids to use. As technology is an important part of life these days, parents have easy access to a wide variety of activities and games for children.

At first it is normal for children who are learning two languages ​​at the same time to sometimes mix up words. Patience and practice are therefore essential to use the OPOL method effectively.

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