How To Deal With The Terrible Two

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In this article, we’re going to tell you everything you  need to know about the so-called terrible two. We’re going to give you a few recommendations on how to best deal with the difficulties that arise during these particularly intense months.

Every childhood phase has its own particular characteristics. There are tender moments when our little one makes gestures and actions that are incredibly cute and often very funny. On the other hand, there are also critical moments of great difficulty – like during the  terrible two .

The beginning of independence

Of all the stages of childhood, there is no doubt that the terrible two is one of the stages that requires special attention, tolerance, and love. This phase is the beginning of childhood independence.

Leading and raising a two-year-old child can be difficult at times. Parents have to deal with different wishes of their child; they now want to walk, eat and get dressed independently.

To deal with this appropriately, we should be patient and tolerant, even if the results of their independence are often disastrous.

The age of two is critical to a child’s future. This is because it is at this age that they begin to realize that they have the ability to make decisions.

For example, they can decide which clothes to wear, how to walk, or whether to take a bath or get dressed or not.

They begin to show part of their essence and personality. You will also become incredibly energetic, sassy, ​​and unpredictable compared to the previous months.

When children reach the age of two, the pre-operational phase begins. During this phase the children learn to interact with their surroundings through the use of words and mental images in more complex ways.


Classic behavior during the terrible two

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During this fun and special phase, we observe new behaviors and attitudes – sometimes we can enjoy them, sometimes we should try to correct them.

Here some examples:

Children begin to show how they feel about the moment. They can express happiness at visiting a relative or resentful if you don’t grant their wishes.

At this age it is easy to get their attention, but it can also be easily lost if the activity becomes too monotonous or unattractive to their senses.

The little ones can be very sensitive and a little self-centered. For example, you might want to be the queen of the house or the mother’s little warrior.

Tantrums, yelling, and even aggression can be typical behaviors that characterize the terrible two.

See also: Five Wonderful Tranquility Techniques for Angry Outbursts

Recommendations for dealing with the terrible two

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  1. Reward your children for their good behavior. It is important that you show them that good behavior is recognized. Rewarding their good behavior can also increase the value of effort.
  2. Be a good role model. When the family sets good examples, it is easier to see good behavior reflected in the little ones in the house.
  3. Establish rules. Making rules and abiding by them will help them be well behaved. It will also help their integration into society when they are older.
  4. Teach them to use words to express themselves. This will keep them from having tantrums. It is important that you show them that negative behavior is not helping them achieve what they want.
  5. Give them the power to make decisions. Every now and then, give them a chance to decide what to eat or which toys to play with. This helps them to understand that we take their opinions seriously and want to include them.
  6. Let them know the consequences. If you’ve told them multiple times what is going to happen (as long as it doesn’t threaten them), let them experience the consequences of their actions. Maybe they’ll be more likely to listen to you afterwards.
  7. Just relax. Realize that the havoc they wreak is normal because of the stage they are going through. Do not try to drive yourself crazy to implement perfection in the home, this will only add to the stressful situation.

Despite the difficulties, the terrible two can also be a beautiful, funny, and intriguing phase.

See also: Setting two-year limits creates responsible adults

As parents, we should just cherish them and give our little ones the best we can. All they need is our support and tolerance as they grow up.

I am an earthquake of love

I want to share with you

You my beautiful mother, see how I go and return

Thanks to you my eyes can shine

I can feel the breeze blowing by

Thanks to you, my feet make me jump


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