What Is The Ferber Method?

The Ferber Method is believed to be effective in helping the baby sleep alone. We’ll show you the pros and cons and how you can implement them here.
What is the Ferber Method?

One of the biggest concerns parents have is that their children are having trouble sleeping. The Ferber Method was suggested by pediatrician Richard Ferber, founder of the Children’s Sleep Disorders Center at Boston Children’s Hospital.

Based on this research, he wrote the book Sleep, Child, Sleep. Sleep problems in children.

What is the Ferber Method?

The Ferber Method helps babies develop sleep routines. This practice consists in the child learning to sleep alone and emphasizing that parents should not go to bed with him even if he is crying, so that the implementation of his new sleeping habits is not interrupted.

The Ferber Method states that babies are physically and emotionally ready to sleep alone between 3 and 5 months.

To begin with, it is recommended that parents help children begin their sleep routine by giving them a relaxing bath or small massage before placing them in the crib.

Ferber confirmed that his method is very effective but not easy to use. Results may be noticed after a few days or a week, although he realized that results are not seen in all cases.

The Ferber Method - Baby is asleep

In his book you can find several tips for using the method.

 “Richard Ferber researched this topic for over 20 years. His main goal was to develop a technique that would make it easier for children to go to sleep ”

The Feber method: advantages and disadvantages

There are many people who believe that this method is a bit cruel because it is really difficult for a lot of parents not to go to the crèche when the child is crying.

Others, however , find it a very effective exercise in introducing sleeping habits for their baby.

It is difficult to say what is the best way to help the baby fall asleep, but here we summarize some of the pros and cons of this method:


  • The Feber Method can help the baby sleep more.
  • The child has a habit of sleeping alone from an early age.
  • The baby does not have to rely on the parents before going to bed and they can be calmer.
  • The baby learns to calm itself down without needing any help.


  • Some believe that the connection between the parent and the baby can be compromised.
  • The child’s self-esteem can be affected.

Other alternatives to help the baby fall asleep

The Ferber Method is often questioned because of the stress it causes in babies. Because the baby gets stressed if he cries for a long time without getting attention.

The Ferber method - baby sleeps alone in the crib

Given this situation and for other reasons, parents prefer to resort to a less strict option to help the baby fall asleep. The following are other ways to help the baby fall asleep:

  • Play and entertain the baby during the day to keep them from sleeping. This will help him get tired and sleep easier at night.
  • If you change diapers or feed them during the night, it is important to try not to stimulate or wake them up.
  • When the baby is sleepy, it is important to put them in their bed, even if they are still awake. This will get them used to the fact that this is their sleeping place and that they don’t have to wait to fall asleep in your arms.
  • Wait a few minutes before going to your baby if he or she is crying. So you can find out what it feels or what is bothering it, but without making too much noise or turning on the light.
  • You can bathe your baby in warm water before bed. This will help him relax.
  • Rocking and singing before bed also helps. Lullabies will release oxytocin, a hormone that creates calmness and wellbeing.

Whether you want to implement the Ferber Method depends on whether you feel comfortable with it. It is clear that it is a technique that will help the child not depend on their parents to fall asleep, but that can be very difficult for parents.

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