I Want To Protect You From All Pain!

I want to protect you from all pain! And if you are feeling bad then wish I had the power to relieve all of your pain instantly. I want to heal your wounds, dispel your fears, cure your colds and stomach pains …
I want to protect you from all pain!

I want to protect you from all pain!  And when you feel bad, I wish I had the power to relieve all of your pain right away. I want to heal your wounds, dispel your fears, heal your colds and stomach pains …

My child, if I could, I would put my hand on your forehead and your fever would be over in seconds. I want to protect you from all pain!

Sadly, I only have the power of love and the ability to protect you and alleviate your fears. But I want to protect you from all pain!

As a parent, you’ve probably thought about this several times, haven’t you? Each of us would like to have the ability to take away all of our children’s pain. We would like to make even small inconveniences or other problems that you suffer from disappear.

It is said that children have to fall from time to time to learn how to get up again. But not all parents think that way.

If possible, let us pave the way for them to prevent them from falling. The day will come when you learn from your mistakes.

I want to protect you from all pain!

Few things are more painful and harder to endure than watching your own children suffer. 

Sometimes it is enough that we remember the bad moments, for example during teething or a simple cold, and we want to alleviate all of their discomfort and pain.

But whether we like it or not, that’s not all that raising a child is all about. We understand that everything is not in our hands and how to overcome difficult times.

We cannot put them in a bubble where they are out of reach for pain, falling, virus or infection. But this is where real magic comes in. Mom and Dad can “heal” in many ways …

If it were in my power, my child, nothing would hurt …

I want to protect you from all pain!

We see them so small and fragile that we are overwhelmed. As soon as we see their faces, we feel the need to protect them. 

Hearing them cry breaks our hearts. We jump up with every movement.

We love to hear them breathe and constantly wonder if they are okay. Maybe they are too cold or are they hungry or afraid?

All of these feelings are perfectly natural and necessary too. This is how we ensure the survival of our children. This is how the “super powers” ​​are awakened in us. 

Despite many sleepless nights, they keep us vigilant. They give us the ability to anticipate danger. It is not uncommon for us to be surprised by our maternal efficiency or paternal instinct.

Mom’s kisses are powerful

There’s an interesting study from the University of Pittsburg. In this, 248 children aged 5 years were examined. According to this study, a mother’s kiss after her child was injured, such as after falling, was far more effective than medicine.

How can this be explained? It’s very simple: kisses, caresses, and hugs have a calming effect on children. 

This loving closeness to them causes their brain to release oxytocin and endorphins. Both promote well-being. In addition, it strengthens your immune system.

What is clear is that a mother’s kiss does not cure an illness. What he can do, however, is speed recovery.

Many hospitals therefore make it possible for parents to be with their children when they need to be admitted there. Children are then less stressed and anxious and can cope better with the procedures.

I want to protect you from all pain!

Parents give security and protection

As Sigmund Freud once said: Few things are as valuable in our childhood as the feeling of security that our parents give us.

Children should find closeness, comfort, and affection in the arms of their parents. There they grow and learn to see the world. That’s where they feel that nothing can happen to them.

Whenever your child has a fever, is scared, or has a painful knee after falling: Pick them up and hold them in your arms for a while. You will immediately feel better because mom and dad also have the magical power to heal.

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