Should We Speak To Children In The Womb?

The voice of the parents makes a baby feel familiar, protected, and connected.
Should we speak to children in the womb?

Should we speak to children in the womb ? The answer is yes. This action promotes the baby’s neural development and strengthens the bond with the mother, among many other benefits.

Should we speak to children in the womb ? All specialists clearly say yes. The benefits are manifold, not only because it stimulates neural development of the fetus, but because an affective bond is established between mother and child from the first weeks and months of development.

Intuitively, women have always felt the need to talk to the baby they are carrying in their womb. Perhaps out of an affective impulse. However, with advances in medicine, it has been shown that this action makes the most sense from the 6th month of pregnancy.

Therefore, here we are going to tell you about the benefits of communicating with your child when they are in your tummy.

Should we speak to children in the womb?

As mentioned earlier, experts agree that there are many advantages to speaking to the children in the womb. Here are the main ones:

Affective attachments

Between the sixth and seventh months of pregnancy, babies’ hearing is almost fully developed. At that moment, they begin to pay attention to the noises that surround them. Closest to them are their mother’s voice and heartbeat.

Of course, they don’t hear these sounds clearly because they are muffled by the amniotic sac, but hearing them create a feeling of familiarity, protection, and connection.

After 6 months, the fetus also begins to perceive its external living space. In addition, they can move to pleasant sounds or even startle at loud noises. This is what doctors found out when evaluating their heartbeat.

Therefore, both mother and father and other family members should speak to them constantly so that the baby can recognize the voices that accompany it as it grows.  Talking to the baby in the womb will also awaken the parents’ love and tenderness towards the unborn baby.

The father also plays an important role and by speaking can build a close bond with the baby in the womb.

Advantages of speaking early

Experts estimate that speaking to babies, like auditioning, is a positive stimulus for their neural development.

These external stimuli will arouse a special interest in listening in the child; in fact, it can move in the direction of the sound stimulus it perceives, be it the mother’s heartbeat or the sounds of the intestines.

When babies hear pleasant noises, they tend to move joyfully. As a sign of this, they move their arms and legs and turn their heads. Some mothers also report feeling kicked or punched.

All of these actions contribute to the cognitive development of the fetus. They also help him calm down when his physical development is causing him stress or due to the pressure the uterus puts on his body in the last few weeks of pregnancy.

How should we talk to children in the womb?

The voice of the mother, father and siblings creates a connection with the unborn child. It can hear you with remarkable clarity; especially the mother’s voice.

When talking to him, it is recommended that you do so in a normal tone without shouting. Father and siblings can move closer to the baby bump so that they can better hear the voices.

The most recommended times of the day to talk to the baby are during the afternoon and evening, as they are more active at these times.

It is recommended that you play classical music to the child while they are still in the womb.

Classical music

Many parents not only talk to the baby, but also play music for him. Children can hear the music, but it shouldn’t be too loud to make the child feel uncomfortable.

It is also said that classical music can stimulate children and make them more intelligent. Unfortunately, this claim is controversial as there is much more research that does not conclusively support this idea.

However, classical music certainly has many positive aspects. Many mothers assure that after birth the child will recognize the melodies that were played in the womb and that it will help them fall asleep more easily.

In short, start connecting with your beloved baby early on through dialogue. In addition, you can gently stroke your stomach when you talk to your baby.

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