Bad Grades? This Is How You Support Your Child!

If your child brings bad grades home, everyone is unhappy. The key to improving the situation and helping your child get better grades is that you work together. 
Bad grades?  This is how you support your child!

In this article you will find tips on how you can help your child improve bad grades.

Grades often reflect the time and effort a child puts in school. You know for sure that your child is capable and also conscientious. And yet it can happen that it brings back bad grades that don’t reflect that.

Parents react very differently when their children have bad grades. Some already see a black future, as if a bad grade will decide the rest of their life.

Other parents feel guilty. You blame yourself or each other and accuse yourself of not having done enough to motivate or discipline the child.

In reality, of course, neither of these two extremes is healthy. Bad testimony doesn’t mean all is lost. And the fact that your child is having trouble at school doesn’t mean you are failing as a mother.

This is an uncomfortable situation, but it can also be mastered. However, this requires effort and understanding on both sides.

Your child may not be happy with their grades either. It’s up to you to get your child back on track.

This is the best way to react when your child has bad grades

But all that we have said so far is not intended to mean that school is not important or that there is no need for action. On the contrary: a bad testimonial is an early warning. 

If you take action right away, there is a lot you can do to help. So if your child comes home with a surprisingly bad testimonial, here’s some advice for you:

1. Keep calm

You may be upset or afraid, but you should still stay calm. Getting loud doesn’t do anything. When you yell at your child or punish them, you are only damaging their self-esteem. 

The next time they have a test or project, the fear of failure will put even more pressure on them.

2. Do not attribute the difficulties to their personality

A big mistake parents make is sentences like “You are just lazy.” or “You just can’t do that.” accept. Because that’s not true either.

bad grades

What you should do is change your child’s mindset. School is a difficult subject for many. It should therefore be seen as a challenge. It is an obstacle that your child can overcome – for their own good.

If you hurt your child’s feelings with negativity, then you take away the last bit of motivation. That kind of criticism may only make matters worse.

Then the problem is no longer just a lack of concentration, but a really disruptive behavior.

3. Finding solutions

Everyone involved now must have a constructive and positive attitude. This includes the student himself, but also the parents and teachers.

Once the problem is clear, it is important to ensure that communication is maintained. This is important for a good cooperation and then bad grades can also be improved.

There are many reasons a child may have trouble at school. These can be temporary, such as a lack of time or poor time management.

But there are also serious reasons such as sleep disorders, anxiety disorders or family problems. Stress, mental exhaustion or learning difficulties can also be the cause.

4. Understand and acknowledge your own role

This is a very difficult task for some parents. Even if children are responsible for themselves, we as parents have to ask ourselves how we contribute to their education.

First of all, there is the example that you yourself set. Do you do your own chores or do you put things off?

Second, it is appropriate to ask yourself if the child can approach you openly and talk to you. When your children are going through a difficult period, would they come to you with problems?

Lastly, you need to be careful not to use too much pressure or force. Your child shouldn’t learn in a way that neglects all other needs. That just spoils their learning.

The best students have parents who let them decide for themselves how to organize their studies. Trust is a cornerstone of the self-discipline of young people.

bad grades

5. Work together

When your child is ready to talk about bad grades and try to improve them, then the time has come for collaboration.

Ask your child what they think they should do. You should also ask how this came about. But then it’s important to focus on what can be done to move forward and make things better.

Maybe your child prefers to study with a schoolmate? Or do you need professional tuition? There are many options but the key is to choose the right one.

If your child gets bad grades, it doesn’t necessarily mean they are weak-willed or undisciplined. Maybe it does its best and stumbles anyway.

Go up to your child and help him. This is also an opportunity to learn something for life.

Failure in school isn’t the end of the world. Let your child know that you are on the same page and help them through this phase with enthusiasm and determination.

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