Effective Learning In Children: This Is How You Help Them

What is effective learning? It is the way children integrate their daily experiences into their mental processes.
Effective Learning in Children: How to Help Them

Children learn effectively by combining new concepts with prior knowledge and experience. Discover ways to promote effective learning in children in this article .

Through effective learning, children retain new information better. In addition, their knowledge processes will be active and responsive their entire life. As you can see, it is more important than it might seem at first glance.

How can we learn effectively?

When we are exposed to new information, our brains refer to prior knowledge that can be helpful in better understanding this new concept. This then prompts us to relate new concepts to previous experiences and activate meaning and logic.

What happens is that the new and old knowledge becomes connected and richer and can even be modified. Thanks to this process, we can come to our own conclusions and achieve effective learning.

This type of learning enables children to fully understand new concepts and to fully remember them. They can then form the basis for increasingly complex new learning. So they serve as a framework and context for different situations.

Effective Learning In Children And How To Teach Them To Do It

Respect your child’s individual development

Every child matures at a different pace and it is important to respect that. As a rule, there are set age groups in which different things can be learned. However, these are only guidelines based on an average.

So don’t worry if your child isn’t exactly average. Because that doesn’t mean there is a problem. Also, keep in mind that pressure will only slow your child’s natural development.

In order for children to learn effectively, we should allow them to make mistakes

Effective Learning in Children: Let Them Make Mistakes

Don’t constantly correct your children or keep them from making mistakes so that they don’t get frustrated. Nothing is more effective than self-correcting methods.

A good example is the Montessorri Method, in which the children themselves discover that they have made a mistake somewhere in the process when they discover that they have not given the correct answer. This in turn forces them to think twice and learn from their mistakes.

Make them think about things

One of the key areas for effective learning in children is helping them learn through questions. Ask them to question life in general. Help them find an explanation for everything around them and be infinitely curious. You can do this by asking them questions and putting little ideas into their heads that way.

To encourage effective learning in children, pay attention to what motivates them

The individual learns from all situations. This is even more true for your children. Do not judge their taste.  Because anything is useful to promote effective learning. Superheroes, soccer, video games, stories, dolls …

They are just tools to grab little ones’ attention and keep them interested. When they get excited about dinosaurs, learn about the earth, the universe, animals, etc., anything can be fascinating.

You can even encourage the youngest kids to read with their album of soccer players by encouraging them to read the names of their favorite players. Find out what motivates your children and what they are focusing their full attention on.

Celebrate their successes

Nothing is more motivating than knowing that we are achieving our goals. Sometimes children don’t even notice how much they have learned. Others need to confirm their knowledge through you.

In order for children to learn effectively, it is important to celebrate their successes with them

This doesn’t mean that you have to constantly celebrate every step they take. This could be counterproductive as they require the constant consent of others.

Instead, say, “I see that you have solved many math problems without making mistakes. Well done! ” Saying things like this to your children can be very helpful.

Life is a game

Everything is a game for children, so learning should be fun. Suggest memory games and fun activities that will motivate children and invite them to learn something new.

Children can learn faster than we imagine, especially if we respect their pace, encourage their creativity and see that we ourselves are constantly learning.

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