How To Help Your Baby Try New Foods

When the breastfeeding period is over, or when your baby is ready for complementary feeding, it is time to help him or her try new foods. This is an exciting and surprising phase for your baby as he or she learns new flavors and textures. However, babies don’t always like these.
This is how you can help your baby try new foods

Breast milk provides babies with all the nutrients they need during the first few months of life. At some point, however, it will be time to introduce complementary foods. And you can help your baby try new and unfamiliar foods. Below are a few tips that could be very helpful.

Rejecting unfamiliar foods

Sooner or later, it will be time to expand the range of foods your child consumes. And you are the greatest help and support when it comes to getting your baby to try new foods.

Some children love trying new flavors, while other babies have a hard time trying. They don’t want to eat and prefer to eat the foods they already know and like. In these cases it is important to be patient. After all , babies try something 15 times on average before they like it.

In addition, not only babies and toddlers suffer from neophobia (fear of the unknown). Adults can also be affected. And it also includes the fear of trying new foods. However, young children usually overcome them naturally by the time they are around 5 years old.

Babies have to try a food about 15 times before they like it

Trying new foods by imitation

Parents are role models for their children. That said, good and positive family habits make a huge difference. If adults are always willing to try new foods and new things in general, children will be more willing to try them, too.

The best way to help your baby try new foods is to eat them first. Copying is associated with the trust and security that older family members create. This also includes older siblings.

Tricks to help your baby try new foods

Meal time should always be a positive and joyful experience with no punishment. From a young age, teach your children that eating healthy is fun too.

Forcing babies to eat certain foods will only make them hate them. At the same time , parents should also be aware that children like certain flavors more than others.

However, that doesn’t mean you have to get rid of their favorite foods – you can combine them with new foods or those they don’t like. Make sure the foods you eat are nutritious, however.

Variety in the presentation of the food

Color is also a great strategy for helping babies try new foods. So don’t forget the good advice “eat with your eyes”. If the food doesn’t look pretty or appealing to little ones, they are more likely to be more reluctant to eat it.

Sometimes it has nothing to do with taste if children don’t like certain foods. If children refuse new food, it could also be because of the way the food looks or feels.

Variety of eating habits can help your child try new foods

Fruits like bananas can be very pretty. They can be cut into small pieces or even left in their natural shape. However, they can be very difficult for babies to chew because they have few teeth.

If babies don’t like fruit because it’s pureed, it may be because they don’t like the look of the puree. However, pureed fruits are easier to eat.  

Let your baby experiment and “play with food” to try new foods

Turning down new foods may have nothing to do with the fruits or vegetables you offer your baby.

For example, some types of cutlery can be intimidating to little ones. A great way for babies to try new foods is to have them put the food in their mouths with their own hands.

Things to avoid

Some parents resort to things that make it harder for babies to like new food. However, they usually only do this because they don’t know any better. However, it could also be because they are frustrated with how disappointing the complementary food introduction is.

One of the most common mistakes is distracting the baby. For example, parents try to use TV or YouTube videos. However, it is important that meals are used for eating only. Use this time to sit down and eat with the whole family.

After all, the worst mistake is undoubtedly forcing your baby to eat. There are parents who practically stick the spoon in their baby’s mouth without giving him enough time to swallow.

The consequence of this is that eating is painful and traumatic for your baby. Also, it is not good to have a system of punishments and rewards. Because this in turn can lead to trauma and other unhealthy situations in the children.

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