Alike: A Short Film About The Importance Of Creativity

Alike is a short film that invites viewers to reflect on the importance of creativity in life. It shows that this aspect should not be neglected, especially with children. Otherwise they will lose touch with it when they grow up.
Alike: a short film about the importance of creativity

Alike is an animated short film that everyone should see! In fact, this Spanish production has received countless awards. Including the Spanish Goya film awardfor the best animated short film in2016.

This great recognition has its reasons: Because the two creators of Alike , Rafa Cano Méndez and Daniel Martínez Lara, understood how to express their concerns in an excellent way. It is about the importance of creativity in life and how this is lost over the years due to the demands of society in a monotonous and monotonous everyday life.

In this article we will tell you a little more about this wonderful short film. But to really appreciate and understand the work, you have to see the film. Have you already looked at it on the internet? No? What are you waiting for?

What is creativity

But before we talk about the importance of creativity, let’s briefly consider what it is all about. For example, for psychologist Joy Paul Guilford, creativity means that a person has three specific skills. He describes them as follows:

  • Fluid: ability to find a wide range of solutions to the same problem.
  • Flexibility : Ability to look at situations from different perspectives and propose different solutions for them.
  • Originality : the ability to think in different and unusual ways.

Creativity in the short film Alike

Howard Gardner, the creator of the theory of multiple intelligences, also speaks on this topic. He  explains that each of the eight intelligences expresses creativity in itself. Therefore, creativity is essential for the proper cognitive development of children and as a result parents should not only allow their little ones, but stimulate them much more to let their creative energies run free. This can be done in the following ways, for example:

  • music
  • painting
  • Play
  • To dance
  • Write
  • Handcraft
  • theatre

Alike : a short film about the importance of creativity

The short film Alike shows viewers the sad reality. He describes a dreary and monotonous society in a vivid way. In this, the citizens do nothing every day other than to adhere to the established routine. The little protagonist of the story tries not to follow this gray monotony. But his way of seeing the world doesn’t fit the rest of the population.

And so he is repeatedly admonished and punished for his creativity. Until he too loses hope and joy and finally goes over to accept the rules in order to become part of this colorless society. Fortunately, however, the father of this child realizes what is happening: his son is no longer as lively and happy as it used to be.

For this reason, he is looking for a solution to this serious problem. He wants his child to see that they have to be creative in order to enjoy a colorful life. And so he teaches that it must follow this path in order to be happy.

Production design from Alike

What can you learn from Alike ?

This short film can remind mothers, fathers and everyone else involved in the upbringing of children something : namely, that it is their duty to ensure that the children’s creativity does not die, but remains alive and strong. For example, teachers should endeavor to ensure that school not only places emphasis on the development of school skills, but that this education and training also includes creative, social and emotional elements.

Likewise , children at home, regardless of their age, need the freedom to express their thoughts and ideas through art and imagination. So you have to make sure that your children do not lose their very own essence and identity. One should always assume that everyone is different and that this is exactly what is enriching and necessary for a healthy and balanced society. Because a world without creativity is an unhappy and useless world.

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