A Child Makes Your Love Stronger, Your Days Shorter And Your Nights Longer

A child makes our love stronger. Enjoy the time with your child, enjoy the adventure together: It is worthwhile and brings a lot of joy.
Having a child makes your love stronger, your days shorter, and your nights longer

A baby completely changes our life: everyday life, scheduling, sleep and many other things are different now. Not only our dark circles under the eyes, but also our hearts get bigger. The child becomes our emotional compass, our inspiration and the engine of our everyday life. It makes our love stronger,  our days shorter and our nights longer!

We keep hearing about the high cost of motherhood that nobody takes into account. Indeed, being a parent is not always easy.

Children are not born with a manual, because they are not machines: they have innumerable needs and often unfathomable emotions that we learn to understand over time …

This learning process, this adventure is without a doubt the best thing in our life. Exceptional fathers and mothers are made from a very special material:  from rust-free love, infinite patience and limitless tenderness.

Today’s article is about all of the unexpected changes that come in life; that shape us every day as if we were a sculpture to get better, to mature and to be incredibly strong.

My days are shorter, my nights are longer, but my love is stronger

My days are shorter, my nights are longer, but my love is stronger

There are days when you think it’s impossible to get everything done because your bones are heavy, your legs ache, you feel tired and you think of all those lost hours of sleep that you haven’t been able to make up for.

  • Where are those days gone when you could get up late and no one was dependent on you? Far away … but even though your body is tired, it recovers in seconds if you hold your baby in your arms.
  • You do not know where you get the strength from, but you react immediately and take care of everything, because the machinery of motherhood or fatherhood starts immediately.

You don’t need praise from others, your baby motivates you every day

Until recently, you were happy to receive praise and recognition when you were able to get things done successfully. We all like to be recognized and motivated … This gives you new energy to carry out further projects with even more pleasure.

But now you don’t need praise or motivation: only your baby will judge everything you do and say. It is now at the center of your life!

His smile, his well-being and his calm and happy sleep in the cradle  are the best motivation for you now.

You are now more patient and tolerant, your love stronger

You are now more patient and tolerant, your love stronger 

You see life from a different perspective now: It is the beginning of a new phase of life, you begin to look at the world with different eyes. Everything is new, interesting and wonderful.

  • Now your love is stronger, you are more tolerant of things that used to worry you more. Maybe because you have different priorities now.
  • Your world now turns in a different rhythm. You know that hurry won’t get you anywhere. Upbringing takes time and patience, hugs, learning processes, consolation and advice.

    You now understand that the simplest things are the most beautiful in life

    Napping with your baby, witnessing his first steps, his discoveries in nature, his emotions, for example when he sees a pet … laughing with his father … all of this is the best in the world for you.

    Your life is suddenly more complicated, but your love is strongerAt the same time everything has been simplified:  Because you love the simple, little things in life. The most wonderful things happen every day and you are lucky enough to experience them. But you also have great responsibility.

    You now know that you don’t know anything … because you learn new things every day

    Owl mother with child

    There are mothers and fathers who, before the arrival of the first baby, believed they knew everything about life. Their education, experience, and self-confidence make them believe they are wise. 

    • But when the first child comes, we realize that we don’t know anything. Because  no one has prepared us for what to do, whom a child screams when it rejects the breast,  is angry, does not want to sleep, or tries to tell us something in its baby language.
    • We then quickly realize that we don’t know anything and that  upbringing requires a lot of improvisation and intuition. All the science from books is often useless in everyday life, only the heart knows what to do.

    A child changes our life:  it gives us a smile, presents us with new challenges, scares us and worries, but also a lot of hope. It makes our love stronger.

    Enjoy the time with your child, enjoy the adventure together: IT’S WORTH IT AND BRINGS A LOT OF JOY.

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